Aspectral Invitation

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For the dracthyr version, see A IconSmall Dracthyr Male.gifIconSmall Dracthyr Female.gif Evoker [10] Aspectral Invitation.
AllianceAspectral Invitation
Start Wrathion
End Wrathion
Level 10-70
Category The Dragonscale Expedition
Experience 1,150
Rewards 2g 57s 40c
Previous A [10-70] The Dragon Isles Await
Next A [10-70] Expeditionary Coordination, A [10-70] The Obsidian Warders
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [10-70] Aspectral Invitation.


Speak with Wrathion to learn of the Council's meeting.


Ah, <name>. Impeccable timing!

I just met with Lord Commander Turalyon and his allies, and they have accepted the Aspects' invitation to the Dragon Isles.

You will be coming along, of course? It wouldn't be the same without you!

I imagine you have noticed some unfamiliar faces gathered here. The ones with the wings are called dracthyr. They have only known me a short time, but they are already great admirers.

Ah, but where are my manners? We should have a chat.


You will receive:

  • 1,150 XP
  • 2g 57s 40c


I cannot wait to see the Dragon Isles with you, <name>!

Now then, I believe that diminutive ally of yours said something about putting together an expedition.


During the Tempest Unleashed event, this quest was available at level 10.

Speaking with Wrathion
Ah, there you are, <name>. Impeccable timing!
I briefed Lord Commander Turalyon on recent events, and have extended the Aspects' invitation to the Dragon Isles.
We just have a few more details to discuss.
Gossip <Listen to Wrathion and Turalyon.>

A cutscene plays:

Wrathion says: I am pleased that you have accepted our invitation to the Dragon Isles, Lord Commander.
High Exarch Turalyon says: During the dark days of the Cataclysm, the Aspects made great sacrifices to save our world.
High Exarch Turalyon says: The Alliance will answer the call and stand together with dragonkind once again.
Wrathion says: Alexstrasza shall be most appreciative.
Wrathion says: Though she will insist that you do not bring any... lingering conflicts to her shores.
High Exarch Turalyon says: You have my word that this will be an expedition, not a military maneuver.
High Exarch Turalyon says: To honor our truce with the Horde, I have instructed the Explorers' League to work in concert with the Reliquary.
Toddy Whiskers says: Just think of all the ancient knowledge we can discover together!
Scalecommander Azurathel says: The Dragon Isles is our home, not a place for outsiders to plunder.
Scalecommander Azurathel says: The dracthyr will accompany the Alliance on this journey, but it will take time to build trust between us.
High Exarch Turalyon says: As a fellow soldier, I share your wariness, Azurathel.
Wrathion says: Splendid! You have found common ground already.
Wrathion says: Now then, let us begin preparations for our voyage.
Wrathion says: The Dragon Isles await!
On completion
Toddy Whiskers says: Pleased to meet ya!

Wrathion has new gossip after completion:

There is so much for us to discuss. In time, the answers will come. You have my word.


  1. B [10-70] The Dragon Isles Await
  2. B [10-70] Aspectral Invitation
  3. B [10-70] Expeditionary Coordination & H [10-70] The Dark Talons / A [10-70] The Obsidian Warders
  4. B [10-70] Whispers on the Winds
  5. B [10-70] The Call of the Isles (optional breadcrumb)
  6. B [10-70] To the Dragon Isles!

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