Lair of the Jade Witch

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Lair of the Jade Witch.
The road and warning to the hut.

The Lair of the Jade Witch[39, 46] is the home to Widow Greenpaw, known as the "Jade Witch" by the locals due to all the jade statues around the house. This area within the Forest Heart of the Jade Forest is a shrine to Master Greenpaw, the first Jade Fist Monk, whose fighting style was legendary.

Pandaren children who visited the home of the widow were turned into jade statues. Around that time, the area was visited by both, the Alliance and Horde agents and adventurers, not long after they landed in the Jade Forest. All those statues that could be turned were restored back into people.

After the awakening of the Dragon Isles, Li Li Stormstout recounted the story of the children that were here and stated that the panther statues that the widow had made still remain.[1]

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