Widow Greenpaw

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NeutralWidow Greenpaw
Image of Widow Greenpaw
Title <The Jade Witch>
Gender Female
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 10-35
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Location Lair of the Jade Witch, Jade Forest[39.4, 46.2]
Status Killable
Relative(s) Master Greenpaw (husband)

Widow Greenpaw, also known as the Jade Witch, is a pandaren that lives in the Lair of the Jade Witch located in the Forest Heart in the Jade Forest. She is the widow of Master Greenpaw, a master jade crafter and master monk. Although pitied by the adult villagers of nearby Dawn's Blossom, the children believe that she is a witch that turns people into jade statues.

The children turn out to be correct, as the widow was indeed turning her visitors into jade statues, which she placed in gardens surrounding her house. She also had control over jade cat statues, which fight for her and can turn opponents into jade.

After being visited by both, the Alliance and Horde agents, adventurers sent by An Windfur confronted her.

Those statues that could be turned were restored back into people. Panther statues remain at her house by the time of the awakening of the Dragon Isles, as described by Li Li Stormstout when she passed by the grove. She remarked that the widow likely became bitter or driven mad by grief after her husband died.[1]

Objective of



Main article: The Jade Witch#Notes
  • Yes, dear?
  • Oh my, what a striking pose you have...
  • Please, come a little closer, dear...
  • Oh, hello dear...
  • Do please come again...
  • I look forward to your next visit.
  • Farewell...
  • Oh, leaving so soon?


Patch changes


External links