Iron Reaver

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BossIron Reaver
Image of Iron Reaver
Race Fel reaver (Mechanical)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Hellfire Citadel
Status Killable

Iron Reaver is a boss in the Hellfire Citadel in Tanaan Jungle. After being defeated during the Hellfire Assault, Siegemaster Mar'tak pilots the Iron Reaver to show intruders the true power of Gul'dan's Horde. The fight revolves around how easily the raid can dodge the various attacks that come from the boss.


Adventure Guide

The schematics for the Iron Reaver were found in the workshop of Blackfuse himself after the fall of Orgrimmar, drawing inspiration from the mighty constructs of the Legion and designed to be the nefarious goblin's masterwork. The project was completed after his death, and represents the pinnacle of the Iron Horde's military might.

Designer notes

We started out thinking of the traditional Outland Fel Reaver here, but the more mechanized side of the Legion is only present in an all-out invasion, and that didn’t really feel appropriate given the nature of their involvement here. So instead we went with an interpretation of the Fel Reaver that reflects the apex of the goblin-influenced siege vehicle that Garrosh brought to the Iron Horde: an evolved version of the Iron Juggernaut that once defended Orgrimmar, retrofitted to use fel power.


Before reaching full power, the Iron Reaver fights enemies on the ground, leveraging her size and technological superiority against opponents. Upon reaching full power, the Iron Reaver takes to the skies. While flying, the Reaver takes 95% reduced damage and has access to an arsenal of new devastating abilities.

Dps icon.png Damage Dealers

  • Spread out to reduce the chance that Unstable Orb damages multiple allies.
  • When the Iron Reaver marks you for Artillery, move away from other raid members before the Reaver finishes locking on.

Healer icon.png Healers

  • Pounding inflicts high raid-wide damage.
  • Spread out to reduce the chance of taking Unstable Orb's splash damage.

Tank icon.png Tanks

  • When the Iron Reaver marks you for Artillery, move away from other raid members before the Reaver finishes locking on.


Ground Operation

Before reaching full power, the Iron Reaver fights enemies on the ground, leveraging her size and technological superiority against opponents.

  • Spell fire felimmolation.png Immolation Important — A sticky, fiery patch burns the ground, inflicting 12000 Fire damage every second for 9 sec. This effect stacks. Various abilities in the encounter may manipulate these patches.
  • Spell fire ragnaros lavaboltgreen.png Artillery Tank Alert — Fires an overheated Artillery shell at a target, inflicting 450000 Fire damage to all targets, decreasing in damage based on distance from the impact point, up to 40 yards. Overall damage is decreased by 55% while flying.
  • Spell fire felflamering.png Unstable Orb — Fires an Unstable Orb at targets, burning all targets within 8 yards for 12750 Fire damage every second for 15 sec. This effect stacks.
  • Spell fire felrainoffire.png Barrage — Fires a massive barrage of superheated shells in a frontal cone, inflicting 256500 to 283500 Fire damage to enemies within 5 yards of each impact location.
  • Spell shaman earthquake.png Pounding — Pounds the ground for 12920 to 14280 damage every half-second for 6 sec.
  • Ability mage firestarter.png Blitz Magic Effect — Charges in a targeted direction, grabbing all enemies within her path. Targets are silenced and pacified while moving. Being struck by Blitz inflicts 95000 to 105000 Fire damage and an additional 7500 Fire damage every half-second for 15 sec. This effect stacks.
  • Ability ironmaidens bombardment.png Firebomb — Launches a Firebomb at a targeted location, inflicting 190000 to 210000 Fire damage to enemies within 5 yards of the impact location and creating a Firebomb.
    • Spell fire ragnaros molteninfernogreen.png Volatile Firebomb — This Volatile Firebomb detonates if not defeated within 25 sec, inflicting 97500 to 102500 Fire damage to all enemies and increasing Firebomb damage taken by 50% for 30 sec. This effect stacks and also knocks away nearby Immolation patches.

Air Operation

Upon reaching full power, the Iron Reaver takes to the skies. While flying, the Reaver takes 95% reduced damage and has access to an arsenal of new devastating abilities.

  • Spell fire felimmolation.png Immolation Important — A sticky, fiery patch burns the ground, inflicting 12000 Fire damage every second for 9 sec. This effect stacks. Various abilities in the encounter may manipulate these patches.
  • Spell fire ragnaros lavaboltgreen.png Artillery — Fires an overheated Artillery shell at a target, inflicting 450000 Fire damage to all targets, decreasing in damage based on distance from the impact point, up to 40 yards. Overall damage is decreased by 55% while flying.
  • Ability ironmaidens bombardment.png Firebomb — Launches a Firebomb at a targeted location, inflicting 190000 to 210000 Fire damage to enemies within 5 yards of the impact location and creating a Firebomb.
    • Spell fire ragnaros molteninfernogreen.png Volatile Firebomb — This Volatile Firebomb detonates if not defeated within 25 sec, inflicting 97500 to 102500 Fire damage to all enemies and increasing Firebomb damage taken by 50% for 30 sec. This effect stacks and also knocks away nearby Immolation patches.
    • Spell paladin lightofdawn.png Quick-Fuse Firebomb Important — This Quick-Fuse Firebomb detonates if not defeated within 12 sec, inflicting 48750 to 51250 Fire damage to all enemies and increasing Firebomb damage taken by 50% for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
    • Spell fel elementaldevastation.png Burning Firebomb — Attacks against the Burning Firebomb afflict the attacker with Flame Vulnerability, increasing Fire damage taken by 15% for 6 sec. This effect stacks. This Burning Firebomb detonates if not defeated within 40 sec, inflicting 121875 to 128125 Fire damage to all enemies and increasing Firebomb damage taken by 50% for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
    • Ability deathwing sealarmorbreachgreen.png Reactive Firebomb Tank Alert — Leaping on top of a Reactive Firebomb destroys it, inflicting 585000 to 615000 Physical damage. This Burning Firebomb detonates if not defeated within 30 sec, inflicting 487500 to 512500 Fire damage to all enemies and increasing Firebomb damage taken by 50% for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
    • Spell fire ragnaros molteninfernogreen.png Reinforced Firebomb — This Reinforced Firebomb detonates if not defeated within 1.25 min, inflicting 487500 to 512500 Fire damage to all enemies and increasing Firebomb damage taken by 50% for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
  • Ability vehicle oiljets.png Fuel Streak — Coats the ground in sticky fuel, reducing movement speed by 40% for 3 sec.
    • Spell volatilefiregreen.png Flash Fire — The Immolation ignites the Fuel Streak, inflicting 99750 to 110250 Fire damage to enemies within 3 yards of the impact location.
  • Spell fire felpyroblast.png Falling Slam Deadly — Leaps at a targeted location, inflicting 65000 Nature damage to all enemies and an additional 1662500 to 1837500 Nature damage to all targets within 30 yards.
    • Spell holy fistofjustice.png Energized Fist — Each successive Falling Slam increases the damage of Pounding by 20%.


This fight is heavy on movement, so speed buffs will be useful. The boss requires 2 tanks and has two phases: Ground, which the boss starts out with, and Air, which starts when the boss reaches 100 energy. Pop [Bloodlust] on pull, as there is no advantage in waiting and there will be more movement and distractions as the fight goes on.

Shortly after being engaged, the boss will begin firing Barrages at non-tank players, walking backwards 3 paces and then firing a spray of felfire the direction she is facing. The attack can be easily dodged by moving to the side. Artillery and Barrages will also leave large pools of felfire around the raid, simply do not stand in the fire. In addition, the boss will occasionally use Pounding, causing unavoidable AOE damage to the raid which is increased when players stand within 6 yards of each other. Spread out to avoid unnecessary damage. The force of Pounding also pushes pools of fire away from the boss, so be mindful and position yourself accordingly. Blitz is when the boss charges up for a few seconds, then rushes in the direction of a random player. The charge-up time should give enough chance to move out of the way. Those who are hit will be carried along with the Iron Reaver across the arena before the boss rushes in the opposite direction.

For tanks, the Iron Reaver will target it's current tank with Artillery, causing the tank to increase in size and have a large red arrow above them similar to [Hunter's Mark]. Once the Artillery debuff expires, the targeted tank will be shot with a massive explosive blast. While most tanks will be able to survive this with more than half their health, other nearby raid members will take deadly damage. Set up a marker safely away from the raid (some raids prefer two markers, one for each tank) for your tanks to run toward when they are targeted with Artillery, tank-swapping whenever one is targeted. In regards to Blitz and Barrage, the boss will be moving around the arena and the tanks must be fast enough to pick up the boss while managing to keep Artillery away from the raid.

Once the boss reaches 100 energy, she will enter her Air Phase. At this point she reduces all damage taken by 95%, making it useless to attack. Instead the raid should be focusing on the Volatile Firebombs she drops as she strafes the raid. The bombs are on a timer and will cause major damage to the entire raid if the timer runs out, so kill them asap. Complicating matters is that she will also be targeting 3 non-tank players with a weaker, though still potent, Artillery. Targeted players should simply avoid standing near other raid members. The boss will also be firing streaks of ignited oil across the arena. Dodge them as you take out the bombs and stay out of the oil, as well as the felfire left over from phase 1. Once the Iron Reaver reaches zero energy, she will crash down with Falling Slam, creating a large visible circle where she is going to land. Once she lands, finish off any bombs remaining before switching back to the boss. Once her Air phase is done, her Pounding will becoming stronger with a stacking buff, but the raid should be able to kill the boss before it gets higher than 2 stacks.


Raid Finder Normal/Heroic/Mythic
Item Type Item Type
 [Spiked Torque Wrench] Agility one-hand mace Strength one-hand mace
 [Demonhorn Buckler] Shield Shield
 [Double-Polished Chain Pauldrons] Mail shoulders Spirit necklace
 [Liquid-Cooled Mantle] Cloth shoulders Cloth shoulders
 [Commander's Seat Cushion Cover] Strength cloak Tank cloak
 [Unfired Ejection Parachute] Agility cloak Plate chest
 [Fel-Steamed Leather Tunic] Leather chest Plate bracers
 [Pulley Chain Wristwraps] Mail bracers Leather gloves
 [Roughly Soldered Wristclamps] Plate bracers Mail belt
 [Assembly Worker's Legguards] Plate leggings Leather leggings
 [Double-Padded Slippers] Cloth boots Mail boots
 [Shrapnel-Studded Boots] Leather boots Cloth boots
 [Crackling Fel-Spark Plug] Caster trinket Leather boots
Strength ring
Agility trinket
Caster trinket

Related achievements


Siegemaster Mar'tak yells: If you want something done right, you'll have to do it yourself...
Mar'tak retreats to the fortress and brings out a massive machine.
Iron Reaver yells: The might and invention of the Fel Horde... the fury of Hellfire itself! Behold!
I warned you!
Burn burn burn!
The ground trembles!
Full Charge
Tick tock, the clock is ticking!
Falling Slam
Head's up!
Tick tock, your time is up!
Killed a player
  • Pounded.
  • Well done.
Ha ha ha, that was fun.
Iron Reaver yells: EJECT! EJECT!
Archmage Khadgar yells: The citadel is breached! Gul'dan is within. I will establish a foothold here - press forward!
Unused quote



Heroic Iron Reaver - Mage

Patch changes

  • Warlords of Draenor Hotfix (2015-07-16): Fixed an issue where visuals denoting the target area for Falling Slam may not display correctly if the targeted player was in the air when it was cast.
  • Warlords of Draenor Hotfix (2015-06-29):
    • Fixed an issue that could cause the Iron Reaver to animate incorrectly and face the wrong way when using the Blitz ability.
    • Fixed an issue where Iron Reaver's Blitz ability could cause players to be stuck when attempting to use a flight path after the encounter.
  • Warlords of Draenor Hotfix (2015-06-26): Players should no longer be spammed with loot notifications for Internal Stabilizer Equipment Plan after defeating Iron Reaver.
  • Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.2.0 (2015-06-23): Added.


External links
