Fel Reaver (Hellfire Peninsula)

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For the general creature type, see Fel reaver. For the Legion Invasions version, see Fel Reaver (Legion Invasion). For the Tanaan Jungle version, see Fel Reaver (Tanaan Jungle).
MobFel Reaver
Image of Fel Reaver
Race Fel reaver (Mechanical)
Level    Retail: 30 Elite
Classic: 70 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Burning Legion
Location Hellfire Peninsula
Status Killable

The Fel Reavers are elite fel reavers that can be found patrolling around Hellfire Peninsula.

While questing in Hellfire Peninsula, it's quite common to have one of these giant engines of destruction sneak up behind you. If your screen starts shaking and you hear a noise somewhere between a steam engine and a roaring beast, find shelter! These towering behemoths, luckily, have a small aggro radius for a Lv. 70 elite.


  • Ability bullrush.png War Stomp — Inflicts normal damage plus 100% to nearby enemies, knocking them back and stunning them for 5 sec.


A Fel Reaver can be downed by a three man level 70 party composed of a tank, a healer, and a DPSer - however with proper gear and/or a pet, it's soloable and has been soloed without NPC help as far as at least January 2008[1].

While it does take a while, the damage output of a Fel Reaver is comparable to that of any random 70 elite and completely focused on the tank (in other words, surprisingly low for something of this size). As of version 2.1.0, stealthed rogues and druids within the ground-shaking range of the Reaver, even if outside aggro range, lose stealth, seemingly with each shake/roar.

A Fel Reaver may also be pulled while just northeast of Thrallmar. If kited to the wrecked caravan just outside of Thrallmar, after which the player drops aggro through a skill such as [Ice Block] or [Feign Death], the guards will pick up aggro on the Fel Reaver, and eventually kill it, allowing you to solo this quest with relative ease.

Objective of

Removed from game The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a.

Notes and trivia

  • One was destroyed by the Horde at Reaver's Fall, and another one is being salvaged at Expedition Point by the Alliance.
  • Fel Reaver used to be controllable via  [Gnomish Universal Remote], but was made immune to it in a later patch.
  • When The Burning Crusade was first launched, many people questing in Hellfire Peninsula fell before this fearsome beast, despite the earthquake and horn that heralded its arrival. With the advent of Wrath of the Lich King, it is not uncommon to find the Fel Reaver dead, having been slaughtered by a level 80 player seeking a little payback.
  • As of patch 10.2.6, the Fel Reaver's sound has been changed for unknown reasons.

Patch changes

See also


External links