Guide to Northrend Lunar Festival Elders

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This is a guide for visiting the Lunar Festival Elders in Northrend.

This walkthrough expects you to have a flying mount and [Cold Weather Flying]. All dungeons with the exception of Utgarde Pinnacle and Azjol-Nerub are soloable as a level 80 rogue, hunter, or druid. For level 85 players, all dungeons may be soloable depending on skill, class, and gear.

Start your journey in Dalaran.

The Storm Peaks

  1. Elder Fargal in Frosthold [28.9, 73.7]
  2. Elder Graymane in K3 [41, 84]
  3. Elder Stonebeard in Bouldercrag's Refuge [31, 38] - inside the mountain via the camp
  4. Elder Yurauk in Halls of Stone (Storm Peaks) - halfway through Krystallus' room (stealth-soloable)
  5. Elder Muraco in Camp Tunka'lo [64.6, 51.3]


  1. Elder Ohanzee in Gundrak (Zul'Drak) - behind Drakkari Colossus (stealth-soloable)
  2. Elder Tauros in Zim'Torga [59, 57]
  3. Elder Kilias in Drak'tharon Keep (Zul'Drak) - just before King Dred (stealth-soloable)

Grizzly Hills

  1. Elder Beldak in Westfall Brigade Encampment [60.6, 27.7]
  2. Elder Lunaro in Ruins of Tethys [80.5, 37.1]
  3. Elder Whurain in Camp Oneqwah [64.2, 47.0]

Howling Fjord

  1. Elder Jarten in Utgarde Keep (Howling Fjord) - in the second room after the first boss. Soloable, but requires attacking the Forge Masters.
  2. Elder Chogan'gada in Utgarde Pinnacle (Howling Fjord) - just after Skadi (not stealth-soloable)


  1. Elder Thoim in Moa'ki Harbor [48.8, 78.2]
  2. Elder Skywarden in Agmar's Hammer [35.1, 48.4]
  3. Elder Morthie in Stars' Rest [29.8, 55.9]
  4. Elder Nurgen in Azjol'Nerub (Dragonblight) - in the room you drop into after Hadronox (not stealth-soloable)

Borean Tundra

  1. Elder Arp in D.E.H.T.A. Camp [57.4, 43.7]
  2. Elder Sardis in Valiance Keep [59.1, 65.3] - NE Side
  3. Elder Pamuya in Warsong Hold [42.9, 49.6] - NE Side
  4. Elder Northal in Transitus Shield [33.8, 34.4]
  5. Elder Igasho in Nexus (Borean Tundra) - just before the tree boss (stealth-soloable)

Sholazar Basin

  1. Elder Sandrene in Lakeside Landing [49.8, 63.6]
  2. Elder Wanikaya in Rainspeaker Rapids [63.8, 49.0]


  1. Elder Bluewolf in Wintergrasp [49.0, 13.9] - Inside the Artifact room (It's best to get this coin when the battle is not under way, unless your faction holds Wintergrasp)