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Faction Assaults

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Patch 8.1 - Faction Assaults.jpg
Faction Assaults.jpg
Patch release image.

Faction Assaults[1] are a feature added in patch 8.1.0, consisting of the invasion by Alliance or Horde forces of an area, triggering a zone wide event. They are similar to Legion's Legion Assaults, but lack instanced scenarios.


Nazmir's map during a Faction Assault.

Tiragarde Sound

Main article: Faction Assault on Tiragarde Sound

Stormsong Valley

Main article: Faction Assault on Stormsong Valley


Main article: Faction Assault on Drustvar


Main article: Faction Assault on Zuldazar


Main article: Faction Assault on Nazmir


Main article: Faction Assault on Vol'dun


  • In-game UI simply names the events as "Assault" with the description of: "<Zone name> is under attack by the <faction name>!", with the faction emblem.
  • When they were first announced during a Developer Live Stream, they were called incursions.[2]
  • It was also said that they would culminate in a scenario at the end like the Legion Assaults. This, however, didn't make it to live.
