Dragonflight Season 1

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Dragonflight-Icon-Inline.pngDragonflight Season 1
What's New 10.0.2 Season.png
Start date (NA) December 13, 2022
End date (NA) May 1, 2023
Duration 20 weeks
PvP Title Crimson Gladiator
Simultaneous Raid Vault of the Incarnates
Seasonal affix  [Thundering]
Season chronology

Season 33 Season 34 Season 35

Dragonflight Season 1 (or Arena Season 34) is a season for both PvP and PvE that began on 12 December 2022 and ended on 1 May 2023 with patch 10.1.0.

Weekly tasks

Players can complete the following activities each week to earn rewards:

Player vs Player


Players can earn the following rewards by obtaining  [Gladiator: Dragonflight Season 1] which requires winning 50 games in the 3v3 arena while at Elite rank (2400 rating).

Players can also earn  [Crimson Gladiator: Dragonflight Season 1] by being in the top 0.1% of the 3v3 arena ladder by the end of the season. It rewards the <Crimson Gladiator> title which is permanent.

Solo Shuffle

Players can earn the following rewards by obtaining the  [Legend: Dragonflight Season 1] achievement, earned by winning 100 rated Solo Shuffle rounds

Players in the top 0.1% can also earn the  [Crimson Legend: Dragonflight Season 1] achievement which rewards the permanent title, <Crimson Legend>.

Rated PvP

The  [Vicious Sabertooth] can be obtained by winning rated PvP matches while at Combatant rank (1000 rating) or higher; progress is tracked via the Season Rewards bar in the Rated tab of the PvP interface. The current season's mount is earned by filling the progress bar once. A  [Vicious Saddle] is earned for each additional time the bar is filled within the season.


Eight dungeons are in the Mythic+ rotation, featuring four Dragonflight dungeons and four past expansion dungeons.

Mythic+ affixes

Mythic+ had some minor changes:

  • Seasonal affix:  [Thundering] - While in combat, players are periodically caught in Raszageth's unending storm. As the storm passes, players discharge excess energy that can damage and stun allies.
  • The  [Necrotic] and  [Inspiring] affixes were retired.

Achievements and rewards

Players can earn the following feats of strength at specific intervals of the Mythic+ Rating:

The following Keystone Hero achievements are possible for the dungeon teleports, requiring a timed level 20 run:

Great Vault

The Great Vault weekly reward system had the following objectives for this season, with some changes compared to last season:

  • Raid objective now requires boss kills from the Vault of the Incarnates and the second and third objectives were reduced by 1 (5→4 and 7→6).
Type Objectives
Raids Defeat 2 Vault of the Incarnates Bosses
Defeat 4 Vault of the Incarnates Bosses
Defeat 6 Vault of the Incarnates Bosses
Mythic+ Dungeons Complete 1 Mythic+ Dungeon
Complete 4 Mythic+ Dungeons
Complete 8 Mythic+ Dungeons
PvP Earn 1250 Honor from Rated PvP
Earn 2500 Honor from Rated PvP
Earn 5500 Honor from Rated PvP

During the season, Evantkis offered the following for some  [Aspects' Token of Merit]:

Evantkis <Token Exchange>
Item Cost Type
 [Bottled Essence] 12 Aspects' Token of Merit 1  [Spark of Ingenuity]
 [Primal Chaos Cluster] 3 Aspects' Token of Merit 10  [Primal Chaos]
 [Storm-Charged Manipulator] 6 Aspects' Token of Merit Gem socket


With this season, there are multiple sets of gear that can be obtained through PvP activities.

Crafted gear

Crafted gear consists of "Crimson Combatant" items at item level 398.

Unique crafted gear consists of "Infurious" items at item level 424.

War Mode

War Mode gear consists of rare "Scalewarden" or "Drakebreaker" items at item level 408. [Bloody Tokens] are used to purchase these items.

They can be purchased from Fieldmaster Emberath or Malicia.

Trophy of Strife gear

Trophy of Strife gear consists of the epic "Drakebreaker" items at item level 421. They need the Trophy of Strife#Season 1 currency and the rare item to be purchased.

Unrated PvP

Unrated PvP gear consists of "Crimson Aspirant" items that start at item level 340 (PvP 411) that can be upgraded to rank 5. They need the [Honor] currency to be purchased and upgraded. Upgrading this gear does not affect the PvP item level.

This gear can be purchased from Seltherex and can be upgraded at Corxian.

Type Purchase cost
ilvl 340 (PvP 411)
Rank 2
Rank 3
Rank 4
Rank 5
Off-hands 425 Honor 250 Honor 300 Honor 500 Honor 625 Honor
Gladiator trinkets, Wrists, Cloaks, Rings, Necks 525 Honor 300 Honor 375 Honor 600 Honor 750 Honor
Damage trinkets, Boots, Gloves, Shoulder, Belt 700 Honor 400 Honor 500 Honor 800 Honor 1,000 Honor
One-handed Weapons (Melee), Shields, Chest, Helms, Legs 875 Honor 500 Honor 625 Honor 1,000 Honor 1,250 Honor
One-handed Weapons (Intellect) 1,350 Honor 750 Honor 950 Honor 1,500 Honor 1,875 Honor
Two-handed Weapons 1,750 Honor 1,000 Honor 1,250 Honor 2,000 Honor 2,500 Honor
Armor type Rare Classes
Plate Crimson Aspirant's Plate Armor Death Knight Death Knight, Paladin Paladin, Warrior Warrior
Mail Crimson Aspirant's Mail Armor Evoker Evoker, Hunter Hunter, Shaman Shaman
Leather Crimson Aspirant's Leather Armor Demon Hunter Demon Hunter, Druid Druid, Monk Monk, Rogue Rogue
Cloth Crimson Aspirant's Cloth Armor Mage Mage, Priest Priest, Warlock Warlock

Rated PvP

Rated PvP gear consists of "Crimson Gladiator" items that start at item level 382 (PvP 424). Unlike Shadowlands, the PvP item level does not increase with the player's rating, only the regular item level.

This gear can be purchased from Calderax and needs [Conquest] to be purchased while upgrading the gear has a rating requirement and costs a lot of [Honor].

Upgrade Level Rating Requirement
2 Combatant I (1000)
3 Combatant II (1200)
4 Challenger I (1400)
5 Challenger II (1600)
6 Rival I (1800)
7 Rival II (1950)
8 Duelist (2100)
9 Elite (2400)
Armor type Epic Classes
Plate Crimson Gladiator's Plate Armor Death Knight Death Knight, Paladin Paladin, Warrior Warrior
Mail Crimson Gladiator's Chain Armor Evoker Evoker, Hunter Hunter, Shaman Shaman
Leather Crimson Gladiator's Leather Armor Demon Hunter Demon Hunter, Druid Druid, Monk Monk, Rogue Rogue
Cloth Crimson Gladiator's Silk Armor Mage Mage, Priest Priest, Warlock Warlock