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"Bolt" redirects here. For the Revendreth biggun, see Bolt (biggun).

Cloth has two different meanings in World of Warcraft:

  1. A crafting material most commonly looted from humanoids.
  2. Cloth armor, one of the four armor types. This armor type is primarily used by mages, priests, and warlocks.

Looted cloth

Icon-time.svg This section contains information that is out-of-date.

Expansion Name Level of mobs Sell price Mob type Note
WoW Icon update.png  [Linen Cloth] 5-15 13c Humanoid Used for crafting level 1-11 cloth armor.
WoW Icon update.png  [Wool Cloth] 15-25 33c Humanoid Used for crafting level 11-21 cloth armor.
WoW Icon update.png  [Silk Cloth] 25-40 1s 50c Humanoid Used for crafting level 19-37 cloth armor.
WoW Icon update.png  [Mageweave Cloth] 40-50 2s 50c Humanoid Used for crafting level 33-45 cloth armor.
WoW Icon update.png  [Runecloth] 50-60 4s Humanoid Used for crafting level 46-56 cloth armor.
WoW Icon update.png  [Felcloth] 52-60 20s Demon Used for crafting level 50-60 cloth armor.
Bc icon.gif  [Netherweave Cloth] 60-70 8s Humanoid Used for crafting level 61-70 cloth armor.
Wrath-Logo-Small.png  [Frostweave Cloth] 70-80 12s 50c Humanoid Used for crafting level 68-80 cloth armor.
Cataclysm  [Embersilk Cloth] 80-85 15s Humanoid Used for crafting level 80-85 cloth armor.
Mists of Pandaria  [Windwool Cloth] 85-90 17s 50c Humanoid Used for crafting level 85-90 cloth armor.
Warlords of Draenor  [Sumptuous Fur] 90-100 17s 50c Beast, Humanoid Used for crafting level 90-100 cloth armor.
Legion  [Shal'dorei Silk] 100-110 1c Humanoid Used for crafting level 100-110 cloth armor.
Legion  [Lightweave Cloth] 110 1c Humanoid Used for crafting level 110 cloth armor.
Battle for Azeroth  [Tidespray Linen] 110-120 1c Humanoid Used for crafting level 110-120 cloth armor.
Battle for Azeroth  [Deep Sea Satin] 110-120 1c Humanoid Used for crafting level 110-120 cloth armor.
Battle for Azeroth  [Gilded Seaweave] 120 1c Humanoid Used for crafting level 120 cloth armor.
Shadowlands  [Shrouded Cloth] 50-60 1c Humanoid Used for crafting level 50-60 cloth armor.
Shadowlands  [Lightless Silk] 60 1c Humanoid Used for crafting level 60 cloth armor.

Crafted cloth

Icon-time.svg This section contains information that is out-of-date.

Expansion Name Sell price
WoW Icon update.png  [Bolt of Linen Cloth] 40c
WoW Icon update.png  [Bolt of Woolen Cloth] 1s
WoW Icon update.png  [Bolt of Silk Cloth] 6s
WoW Icon update.png  [Bolt of Mageweave] 12s 50c
WoW Icon update.png  [Bolt of Runecloth] 20s
WoW Icon update.png  [Mooncloth] 40s
Bc icon.gif  [Bolt of Netherweave] 40s
Bc icon.gif  [Bolt of Imbued Netherweave] 80s
Bc icon.gif  [Bolt of Soulcloth] 80s
Bc icon.gif  [Primal Mooncloth] 40s
Bc icon.gif  [Shadowcloth] 40s
Bc icon.gif  [Spellcloth] 40s
Wrath-Logo-Small.png  [Bolt of Frostweave] 1g
Wrath-Logo-Small.png  [Bolt of Imbued Frostweave] 2g
Wrath-Logo-Small.png  [Ebonweave] 1g
Wrath-Logo-Small.png  [Moonshroud] 1g
Wrath-Logo-Small.png  [Spellweave] 1g
Cataclysm  [Bolt of Embersilk Cloth] 1g 25s
Cataclysm  [Dreamcloth] 2g
Mists of Pandaria  [Bolt of Windwool Cloth] 37s 50c
Mists of Pandaria  [Imperial Silk] 8g 75s
Mists of Pandaria  [Celestial Cloth] 8g 75s
Warlords of Draenor  [Hexweave Cloth] 8s 75c
Legion  [Imbued Silkweave] 17s 50c
Battle for Azeroth  [Embroidered Deep Sea Satin] 1c
