The Flesh-Bound Tome

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HordeThe Flesh-Bound Tome
Start  [Flesh-Bound Tome]
End Captain Gort
Level 15-30
Category Dragonblight
Experience 20300 (or 4g 86s at level 80)
Reputation 250 Warsong Offensive
Next H [15-30] Koltira and the Language of Death


Return the Flesh-bound Tome to Captain Gort at Agmar's Hammer.


The tome is bound in flesh and appears to be bleeding. Upon examination you discover page after page filled with strange symbols that appear to be written in blood.

Whatever knowledge is held within the pages of this tome could be important. Return it to Captain Gort at Agmar's Hammer, east of Icemist Village.


<Gort raises an eyebrow.>


<Gort takes the tome from you.>

Savages... Bound in orc flesh... This language... Its existence has never been proven. It is the language of death... The tongue of the Scourge.



  1. H [15-30] The Flesh-Bound Tome
  2. H [15-30] Koltira and the Language of Death
  3. H [15-30] The Power to Destroy
  4. H [15-30] The Translated Tome

External links