Return to the High Commander

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AllianceReturn to the High Commander
Start Gryphon Commander Urik
End High Commander Halford Wyrmbane
Level 15-30
Category Dragonblight
Experience 2050
Reputation +10 Valiance Expedition
Rewards  [Frontrunner's Blessed Handwraps] or  [Snowfall Reaver Boots] or  [Westwind Waistband] or  [Stonepath Gauntlets]
Previous A [15-30] Flight of the Wintergarde Defender
Next A [15-30] Rescue from Town Square, A [15-30] The Demo-gnome, A [15-30] The Fate of the Dead, A [15-30] Imprints on the Past, A [15-30] My Old Enemy


Speak with High Commander Halford Wyrmbane at Wintergarde Keep in Dragonblight.


Return to High Commander Halford Wyrmbane at once, <name>. Let him know that your mission was a success and that the few remaining villagers that were rescued are back to work.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv gauntlets 17.png [Frontrunner's Blessed Handwraps] Inv boots 08.png [Snowfall Reaver Boots]
Inv belt 13.png [Westwind Waistband] Inv gauntlets 29.png [Stonepath Gauntlets]


<Halford salutes.>

The townsfolk are back to work? Already? Outstanding, soldier! We'll get this town built back up and fortified in now time. Before long, reinforcements will be ready to joining the fight with Lord Fordragon at the Wrathgate.

I'm getting ahead of myself, of course, as there is much left to do here before we can even think about sending you to the aid of Bolvar.


Wintergarde changes phase at the conclusion of this quest. Many more NPCs and quest givers will spawn in the keep and the inn.

The over-arching storyline also forks at this point. In addition to the direct followup to this quest chain (A [15-30] Rescue from Town Square), a few other quest chains are available. The "A [15-30] The Demo-gnome" chain is required to be completed before players can start the Thel'zan the Duskbringer chain, which leads directly into the Angrathar the Wrathgate storyline.

Another chain, starting with A [15-30] Imprints on the Past, touches on the Arthas' history in the Dragonblight and reveals some of the backstory to players not well-versed in the Warcraft III expansion pack.

Finally, there are a few one-offs and Wanted quests made available at this point.


  1. A [15-30] The Lost Courier (optional, starts in Borean Tundra, leads to Stars' Rest)
  2. A [15-30] Of Traitors and Treason (Stars' Rest or Howling Fjord)
  3. A [15-30] High Commander Halford Wyrmbane (Stars' Rest or Howling Fjord)
  4. A [15-30] Naxxramas and the Fall of Wintergarde
  5. A [15-30] Flight of the Wintergarde Defender
  6. A [15-30] Return to the High Commander
  7. A [15-30] Rescue from Town Square
  8. A [15-30] Find Durkon!
  9. A [15-30] The Noble's Crypt
  10. A [15-30] Secrets of the Scourge
  11. A [15-30] Mystery of the Tome
  12. A [15-30] Understanding the Language of Death
  13. A [15-30] A Righteous Sermon

External links