Meat on the Hook

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NeutralMeat on the Hook
Start Tua'kea
End Tua'kea
Level 15-30
Category Dragonblight
Experience 25650
Reputation +700 The Kalu'ak
Rewards  [Fisherman's Earwarmer],  [Moa'ki Thresherhide Tunic],  [Sharkdiver's Leggings] or  [Crustacean Stompers]
10g 60s
Previous N [15-30] The Bait


Slay Tu'u'gwar and then return to Tua'kea at Moa'ki Harbor.


The time has come my friend: Tu'u'gwar must be dealt with!

I've prepped the meat so that the beast is sure to come once you bait the hook I have out in the water. Just follow the fishing line here down to it.

Whatever you do, don't let Tu'u'gwar swallow you hole, <name>!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv helmet 124.png [Fisherman's Earwarmer] Inv chest leather 02.png [Moa'ki Thresherhide Tunic]
Inv pants mail 15.png [Sharkdiver's Leggings] Inv boots plate 01.png [Crustacean Stompers]

You will also receive: 10g 60s


I thought I might have spotted some thrashing... is Tu'u'gwar dead?


We shall rejoice at your success, my young friend! There's blood in the water and it is our enemy's!

You have the eternal gratitude of this old fisherman, <name>, and most certainly all of the Kalu'ak once I spread the word!

Here now, I insist, take something as a reward, please.

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