My Old Enemy

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AllianceMy Old Enemy
Start Commander Eligor Dawnbringer
End Commander Eligor Dawnbringer
Level 15-30
Category Dragonblight
Experience 25650
Reputation +350 Valiance Expedition
Rewards  [Battlement Enforcer's Axe],  [Siege Captain's Gun],  [Mace of the Fallen Raven Priest],  [Stronghold Battlemace], or  [Bloodtinged Spellblade]
10g 60s
Previous A [15-30] Return to the High Commander


Deliver The High General's Head to Commander Eligor Dawnbringer at Wintergarde Keep.


My old enemy, High General Abbendis, has come to Northrend.

Somehow she survived the attacks on Tyr's Hand and brought a small force north. They've established New Hearthglen to the south.

While they could prove useful in fighting the Scourge, Abbendis herself is far too shrewd an opponent to let live. Trust me, if we let them stand, she will be at our throats before the dust settles.

So, we'll deprive them of their leadership and go about our business. Bring me her head as proof.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv axe 78.png [Battlement Enforcer's Axe] Inv weapon rifle 27.png [Siege Captain's Gun]
Inv mace 69.png [Mace of the Fallen Raven Priest] Inv mace 62.png [Stronghold Battlemace]
Inv weapon shortblade 68.png [Bloodtinged Spellblade]

You will also receive:


It is done then?


An unfortunate, but necessary action that we had to take in dealing with Abbendis. In another lifetime, I think I could have imagined fighting side-by-side with her.

<The commander's voice trails off as he reflects a moment before proceeding.>

I'm a little concerned about this grand admiral you describe. Barean Westwind you say? I can't believe that he's still alive. He must be ancient. We'll have to deal with him later, however.[1]

In the meantime, I think you've earned a reward and a little R & R.


Battling the mobs in the cathedral
  • High General Abbendis yells: You've come to test the might of the Onslaught?
  • High General Abbendis yells: Deal with this intrusion quickly. I don't have time for this!
  • High General Abbendis yells: You may want to rethink your actions, fool.
  • High General Abbendis yells: Am I going to have to deal with this intrusion myself?
Pre-Patch 4.3.0
  • High General Abbendis yells: Deal with them quickly. I don't have time for this!
  • High General Abbendis yells: You may want to rethink your actions, fools!
Admiral Barean Westwind yells: Kill them Abbendis! Do not fail me!
Reckless Onslaught
High General Abbendis says: Now I'll show you the REAL power of the Onslaught!
On victory
The grand admiral studies you a moment through narrowed eyes.
Westwind walks over to Abbendis's corpse and kneels.
Admiral Barean Westwind says: You served your purpose.
Standing, he laughs, then turns to leave.
Admiral Barean Westwind says: I will see you in Icecrown, weakling... if you live that long!
Spoken as I will see you weaklings in Icecrown... if you live that long!, as the old group quest text was not re-recorded.
The grand admiral walks to the outer hallway and teleports out.

Patch changes

  • Cata-Logo-Small.png Patch 4.3.0 (2011-11-29): No longer a group quest. NPC scripted text updated accordingly.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): Added. Recommended group of 3 to complete.


  1. ^ In Patch 4.3.0, Barean Westwind did not appear, but this was likely a bug because his scripted text was being reworked. He was added back in later.

External links