Soft Packaging

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NeutralSoft Packaging
Start Zivlix
End Zivlix
Level 15-30
Category Dragonblight
Experience 20750
Rewards 5g 60s
Previous N [15-30] Shaved Ice
Next N [15-30] Something That Doesn't Melt, N [15-30] Hard to Swallow


Collect 12 Thin Animal Hides from the Jormungar Tunnelers or the Dragonbone Condors near Nozzlerust Post. Once you've located the hides, return them to Zivlix.


I need some new packaging for the shrapnel bombs. All the stuff I have is too hard and the shrapnel doesn't spread when it bursts.

What we need is some really thin animal hide. Those jormungar tunnelers to the west might work... or perhaps the condors sifting through the dragon bones. Go get me whatever you can find.


You will receive: 5g 60s


How goes the hunt? Do you have my hides?


Good... good... these should do fine. The shrapnel bombs are almost finished.

Wait... what happened to my ice shards? Narf told me shards from those elementals should be enchanted, but they're melting like the ones hanging from Narf's grumpy chin!


If you're a skinner, go after the jormungar tunnelers; not only do they drop  [Worm Meat], but the quest item will also always drop with whatever leather you receive, giving you two Thin Animal Hides for every one mob.


  1. N [15-30] Shaved Ice
  2. N [15-30] Soft Packaging
  3. N [15-30] Something That Doesn't Melt & N [15-30] Hard to Swallow
  4. N [15-30] Harp on This! & N [15-30] Lumber Hack

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