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Draenei Commoner

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AllianceDraenei Commoner
Image of Draenei Commoner
Race Draenei (Humanoid)
Level 1-70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Exodar
Occupation Commoner
Location Exodar

Draenei Commoner are draenei found at the Exodar during any of the seasonal events.



Dark Portal Opens

This new world fascinates us. A world that has fought the Legion to a standstill... amazing.

Pilgrim's Bounty

I am told Pilgrim's Bounty is a time to reflect upon one's good fortune and share with all around you.

We are lucky to have found this world and its bold inhabitants; it is only fitting that we lend our knowledge and strength to these new-found allies.


The time has come for Noblegarden once again! Time to thank the Light for the rebirth of the world.

Midsummer Fire Festival
  • The Midsummer Fire Festival has something for everyone to enjoy!
  • Across the lands our fires burn strong and true!
  • Have you danced at the ribbon pole yet?
  • I admire the skill that torch jugglers have

No other holiday matches the feasting and drinking of Brewfest!

Hallow's End

I understand this holiday is a creation not of our allies, but the Horde. Why we follow suit, I do not know.

Day of the Dead

During the Day of the Dead, people gather in graveyards to celebrate with and cherish the spirits of those they have lost.

You can find the festivities in the cemeteries of any major city, where you'll be able to cook, dance, don costumes, and more.

Feast of Winter Veil

I have traveled countless worlds, but I have never seen as enjoyable a celebration as this feast of Winter Veil. You should travel to Ironforge, the dwarves' great city, to see it for yourself.

Lunar Festival

The druids of Azeroth hold a great celebration in the Moonglade. If you find the lunar festival revelers in the city, they can transport you there.

Love is in the Air
  • I can't wait to try the chocolates at the Gala of Gifts!
  • There's just something special about showing others how much they mean to you.
  • I better hurry to the Gala of Gifts before everything is sold out!
Love is in the Air specific gossip, Female/Male
  • Did you hear what happened to the Crown Chemical Co.? I can't believe I ever wore their perfumes.
  • Did you hear what happened to the Crown Chemical Co.? I can't believe I ever wore their colognes.


Formerly known as Chatty Draenei.

Patch changes

External links