Master Craftsman Wilhelm

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NeutralMaster Craftsman Wilhelm
Image of Master Craftsman Wilhelm
Title <Brotherhood of the Light>
Gender Male
Race Dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Brotherhood of the Light, Argent Crusade, Argent Dawn
Location Light's Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands
Status Alive
Mentor(s) Master Craftsman Omarion

Master Craftsman Wilhelm, originally Craftsman Wilhelm, is a dwarf blacksmithing vendor located at Light's Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands. He is affiliated with the Brotherhood of the Light.


World of Warcraft

WoW Icon update.png This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Players who ventured into Naxxramas 40-man raid could meet up with Wilhelm's mentor, Master Craftsman Omarion. He taught crafters to make special frost-resistant gear. For the non-crafters, they could take  [Omarion's Handbook] back to Wilhelm, who could then make the same gear for the non-crafters. More materials than the crafted versions, as well as pay a hefty fee, were needed to provide.


Cata-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Wilhelm finally learned enough from Omarion to become a Master Craftsman. He joined the Argent Crusade in reclaiming Stratholme, and assigns quests aimed at crippling the weapon production capabilities of the Scourge and the Risen.


Pointer repair on 32x32.png This vendor offers a repair service.

Item Cost
Blacksmithing and mining
 [Mining Pick] 1s 23c
 [Blacksmith Hammer] 18c
 [Luminous Flux] 9g
 [Weak Flux] 1s
 [Strong Flux] 20s
 [Durable Flux] 30s
 [Elemental Flux] 3g
 [Coal] 5s


In Stratholme:

WoW Icon update.png The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 3.0.2 but is present in Classic Era.

Craftsman Wilhelm of the Argent Dawn.


Light's Hope Chapel

Master craftsman Omarion just vanished one night. Like a toot in the wind... Poof! Gone! Bah, now I'm the only one left to craft the goods for the boys on the front lines.

Buy Show me your wares, Wilhelm.


Weapons...armor...these are the keys to victory. Any warrior, no matter how strong, is essentially defenseless without them.

I have crafted many a legend in my day, <race>. You will find nothing like them in all of Azeroth. They are the key to my brethren's success.

Notes and trivia

  • He is also able to sell and repair items for players that are friendly or above with the Argent Dawn.
  • When talking to him, Wilhelm performs the /rude emote towards the player.

Patch changes

External links

Stratholme (The Gauntlet) Stratholme (Crusader's Square) Light's Hope Chapel