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Crane Wing order

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The members of the order traditionally wear red armors and robes.

The Crane Wing order[1] is the order of pandaren monks and priests serving Chi-Ji at the Temple of the Red Crane in the Krasarang Wilds. The pandaren of the Crane Temple usually come to aid Fallsong Village against the raiding Riverblade saurok.[2] Prince Anduin Wrynn studied with the disciples for a time.

They set up Crane Wing Refuge after fleeing their temple. Followers of Chi-Ji are also present at the Cradle of Chi-Ji.

Later their members helped in the defense of Stoneplow Fields in the Valley of the Four Winds against the Ik'thik mantid.

During the Black Empire Assaults on the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, members of the order accompanied their celestial to defend it.

With the Temple of the Red Crade restored, the order returned there. After the awakening of the Dragon Isles, Li Li Stormstout, Chen Stormstout, and Catelyn the Blade visited them.[3]




  • During the beta, they were known as "Redwing" instead.

See also


External links