Convoke the Spirits (Covenant ability)

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For the druid talent, see [Convoke the Spirits].
Convoke the Spirits
Ability ardenweald druid.png
  • Convoke the Spirits
  • Druid ability
  • 2 min cooldown
  • 4 Channeled sec cast
  • Balance Balance:
    Call upon the Night Fae for an eruption of energy, channeling a rapid flurry of 16 Druid spells and abilities over 4 sec.

    You will cast [Starsurge], [Starfall], [Moonfire], [Wrath], [Regrowth], [Rejuvenation] [Rake] and Thrash on appropriate nearby targets, favoring your current shapeshift form.

    Feral Feral, Guardian Guardian:
    Call upon the Night Fae for an eruption of energy, channeling a rapid flurry of 16 Druid spells and abilities over 4 sec.

    You will cast [Wild Growth], [Swiftmend], Moonfire, Wrath, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Rake and Thrash on appropriate nearby targets, favoring your current shapeshift form.

    Restoration Restoration:
    Call upon the Night Fae for an eruption of energy, channeling a rapid flurry of 20 Druid spells and abilities over 4 sec.

    You will cast Wild Growth, Swiftmend, Moonfire, Wrath, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Rake and Thrash on appropriate nearby targets, favoring your current shapeshift form.

    Feral Cat Form:
    Call upon the Night Fae for an eruption of energy, channeling a rapid flurry of 16 Druid spells and abilities over 4 sec.

    You will cast [Ferocious Bite], [Shred], [Tiger's Fury], Moonfire, Wrath, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Rake and Thrash on appropriate nearby targets, favoring your current shapeshift form.

    Guardian Bear Form:
    Call upon the Night Fae for an eruption of energy, channeling a rapid flurry of 16 Druid spells and abilities over 4 sec.

    You will cast [Mangle], [Ironfur], Moonfire, Wrath, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Rake and Thrash on appropriate nearby targets, favoring your current shapeshift form.
Class Druid
School Nature
Cooldown 2 min
Related buff
  • Convoke the Spirits
  • Balance Balance:
    Every 0.25 sec, casting Starsurge, Starfall, Moonfire, Wrath, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Rake or Thrash on appropriate nearby targets.

    Feral Feral, Guardian Guardian, Restoration Restoration:
    Every 0.25 sec, casting Wild Growth, Swiftmend, Moonfire, Wrath, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Rake or Thrash on appropriate nearby targets.

    Feral Cat Form:
    Every 0.25 sec, casting Ferocious Bite, Shred, Tiger's Fury, Moonfire, Wrath, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Rake or Thrash on appropriate nearby targets.

    Guardian Bear Form:
    Every 0.25 sec, casting Mangle, Ironfur, Moonfire, Wrath, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Rake or Thrash on appropriate nearby targets.
  • Duration: 4 sec

Convoke the Spirits is the druid class ability of the Night Fae Covenant. It's available to all druids who join the Night Fae.

This ability is also temporarily available during the Ardenweald portion of the Shadowlands campaign; it's given by the quest N [55-60] Preparing for the Winter Queen and lasts until you finish the Ardenweald storyline.

Notes and trivia

  • If the only enemies in range are under crowd control effects, this ability won't pick choices that would break the crowd control.
  • Convoke the Spirits appears as an epic druid spell in the Murder at Castle Nathria expansion for Hearthstone. It is one of ten different covenant abilities featured in the expansion, each thematically associated with one of the ten prime suspects in the expansion's central storyline—in Convoke's case, Sesselie. The spell's flavor text reads: The spirits prefer to convoke when there's some hot gossip to discuss.


Patch changes

External links