Confession (priest ability)

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For the artifact trait, see [Confession].
Spell shadow soothingkiss.png
Class Priest
School Physical
Cooldown 6 seconds
Other information
Level learned 25

Confession is a priest ability, available at level 25 by the glyph  [Glyph of Confession].

List of confessions

Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

  • "For a long time, I thought the plural of anecdote WAS data."
  • "I always forget to gem my gear."
  • "I always wanted to be a paladin."
  • "I ask for the Light to give me strength, but I'm not sure it really does."
  • "I asked a friend for gold to buy my first mount."
  • "I dabble in archaeology, but I'm just not that interested in history."
  • "I died to an elevator once. Maybe more than once."
  • "I don't know if Milhouse is a good guy or not."
  • "I don't really have a clue who the Sin'dorei are."
  • "I don't really remember you in the mountains."
  • "I don't treat all of my mounts equally."
  • "I fell off of Dalaran."
  • "I find all these names with so many apostrophes so confusing."
  • "I forgot the Sunwell."
  • "I go into dungeons not to make Azeroth a better place, but just for loot."
  • "I have "borrowed" things from my guild bank."
  • "I have stood in the fire."
  • "I haven't been in a barber shop in months. Goblins with scissors. Shudder."
  • "I know he's a jerk, but there's something about Garrosh..."
  • "I light things on fire and yell BY FIRE BE PURGED when nobody is looking."
  • "I never use the lightwell."
  • "I once punched a gnome. No reason. I was just having a bad day."
  • "I once took a bow that a hunter wanted."
  • "I outbid a friend on an auction for something I didn't really want."
  • "I really wasn't prepared. Who knew?"
  • "I said I had been in the dungeon before, but i had no idea what I was doing. It was embarassing."
  • "I saw a mage cast a spell once and my jaw really did drop at the damage."
  • "I sometimes forget if Northrend is north or south of here."
  • "I sometimes use my mount to travel really short distances. I mean REALLY short."
  • "I sometimes wonder if tauren taste like... you know."
  • "I spent six months chasing the Time-Lost Proto-Drake."
  • "I thought pandaren were a type of furbolg."
  • "I told my raid leader that I was ready, but I wasn't really ready."
  • "I wasn't really at the opening of Ahn'Qiraj, I just read about it. "
  • "I went into Alterac Valley and didn't help my team at all."
  • "Oh, I took the candle."
  • "Sometimes I ask for a warlock to summon me when I'm really not that far away."
  • "Sometimes when I'm questing, I want to be alone, so I pretend I can't hear my friends."
  • "This is just a setback."
  • "Troll toes sort of creep me out."

Added in 5.4

  • "I inspect others to see if they are inspecting me."
  • "I'm going to totally ninja that hunter's loot."
  • "I don't use the strongest battle pets. Just the cutest ones."
  • "I still carry around Argent Crusade Scorugestones [sic]. You never know when they'll be useful again."
  • "I care more about transmogrification gear than upgrade gear."
  • "When my allies get mind controlled, I try really hard to kill them."
  • "I always sell all of my old gear to the same vendor. Dude's rich or something."
  • "I get heart of the wild and the other heart of the wild confused."
  • "When pandaren tell me to slooow doooown, I just want to punch them."
  • "I always ask someone else how to reforge my gear."
  • "I haven't visited Sunsong Ranch in months. I can just imagine weeds and virmen everywhere."
  • "I can't decide between Horde and Alliance. Horde has goblin mages with quad-pigtails but Alliance has dwarf priests with twirly braids."
  • "I think one time I tried to kill Lei Shi instead of Lei Shen."
  • "I feel bad for my ground mounts. I hardly ever use them anymore."

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

Patch changes

External links