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Image of Eranog
Title <Primal Commander>
Gender Male
Race Red drakonid (Dragonkin)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Primalists
Former affiliation(s) Red dragonflight
Location Vault of the Incarnates
Status Killable
Relative(s) Broodkeeper Diurna (mother)

Eranog is the first boss of the Vault of the Incarnates. Before joining with the Primalists, he used to command South Hold Garrison in the name of Valdrakken.[1][2]

Adventure Guide

Eranog, commander of the Primalist forces, is relentless in his pursuit of power. With the Incarnates' release imminent, Eranog summons the whole of his army and will not hesitate to sacrifice his devoted followers to achieve victory.


Eranog leads his primalist forces with a combination of brutal attacks and cunning strategies. The Primal Commander will summon deadly minions through Flamerifts that leave behind bubbling pools of Primal Flow. Upon reaching 100 energy, Eranog will call forth an Army of Flame to encircle his opponents.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers

  • Molten Cleave inflicts massive damage to all players in front of Eranog.
  • Army of Flame inflicts deadly damage to anyone caught in the elementals' path.
  • Flamescale Taraseks will fixate their target until slain.

Healer Alert Healers

  • Molten Cleave inflicts massive damage to all players in front of Eranog.
  • Army of Flame inflicts deadly damage to anyone caught in the elementals' path.
  • Eranog inflicts increasing Fire damage with each Incinerating Roar

Tank Alert Tanks

  • Eranog's molten axe inflicts Burning Wounds
  • Molten Cleave inflicts massive damage to all players in front of Eranog.
  • Army of Flame inflicts deadly damage to anyone caught in the elementals' path.


Icon-search-48x48.png This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up. Reason: Text formatting

    • Inv misc head dragon 01.png Flamerift Important — Eranog wreathes several players in flames. Upon expiration a Flamerift forms at each player's location, inflicting 20 Fire damage to players within 5 yards.A Flamescale Tarasek spills forth from each Flamerift, leaving behind a Lava Flow.
      • Flamescale Tarasek
        • Ability fixated state red.png Kill Order — The Flamescale Tarasek fixates on a player, pursuing them relentlessly.
      • Spell shaman lavasurge.png Lava Flow — A pool of lava that inflicts 15 Fire damage every 11 sec to players standing within it.
    • Inv misc head dragon black.png Greater Flamerift Mythic Difficulty — Eranog wreathes his current target in flames. Upon expiration a Greater Flamerift forms at the player's location, inflicting 65 Fire damage to players within 6 yards.A Flamescale Captain spills forth from the Flamerift, leaving behind a Lava Flow.
      • Flamescale Captain
        • Inv ember.png Leaping Flames Healer Alert — The Flamescale Captain creates Leaping Flames that jump between several players, inflicting 12 Fire damage on impact and an additional 16 Fire damage every $t2 sec for 16 Sec. This effect stacks.
        • Ability mage greaterpyroblast.png Pyroblast Deadly Interruptible — The Flamescale Captain inflicts 300 Fire damage to a player.
      • Spell shaman lavasurge.png Lava Flow — A pool of lava that inflicts 15 Fire damage every 11 sec to players standing within it.
    • Ability rhyolith magmaflow wave.png Molten Cleave — Eranog swings his molten axe, inflicting 45 Fire damage to players in a frontal cone.
    • Ability warrior dragonroar.png Incinerating Roar Healer Alert — Eranog roars, exhaling flames that inflict 30 Fire damage to all players and an additional 1 Fire damage every $t2 sec for 28 Sec. This effect stacks.$?diff15
    • Ability fomor boss pillar02.png Molten Spikes — Eranog pulls forth Molten Spikes from the chamber floor, inflicting 45 Physical damage to players within 4 yards and knocking them away.These spikes explode into Molten Fissures when Eranog bellows an Incinerating Roar.
      • Spell fire moltenblood.png Molten Fissure — Molten spikes explode, creating fissures that inflict 30 Fire damage to players within 4 yards of the impact locations and knocking them upwards.
    • Spell shaman improvelavalash.png Burning Wound Tank Alert — Eranog's melee attacks cause searing wounds that inflict 5 Fire damage every 21 sec for 14 Sec. This effect stacks.
      • Spell fire elemental totem.png Army of Flame Important — Upon reaching 100 energy, Eranog summons an army of Primal Flames and emits Pulsing Flames every 11 sec for 21 Sec.
      • Ability rhyolith magmaflow wave.png Pulsing Flames Healer Alert — Eranog's scales pulse with flames, inflicting 6 Fire damage to all players
      • Primal Flame
        • Spell shaman improvedfirenova.png Incinerate Deadly — The Primal Flame inflicts 200 Fire damage to players in their path and stuns them for 3 Sec.
    • Spell fire elemental totem.png Army of Flame Important Mythic Difficulty — Upon reaching 100 energy, Eranog summons an army of Primal Flames and emits Pulsing Flames every 11 sec for 21 Sec.
      • Primal Flame
        • Spell shaman improvedfirenova.png Incinerate Deadly — The Primal Flame inflicts 200 Fire damage to players in their path and stuns them for 3 Sec.
      • Ability rhyolith magmaflow wave.png Pulsing Flames Healer Alert — Eranog's scales pulse with flames, inflicting 6 Fire damage to all players


Eranog yells: Let us see if you are worthy of my skill.
Incenerating Roar
Eranog yells: Burn to cinders!
Eranog yells: Marked for destruction!
Flamescale Tarasek
Eranog yells: Rally to me!
Molten Cleave
Eranog yells: I'll reduce you to ash!
Army of Flame
Eranog yells: Surround our enemies! Leave none alive!
Army of Talon
Eranog yells: I'll grind your skulls under my heel.
Eranog yells: Broodmother... I've... failed you...



On approach
Was this the best you could muster, Kalecgos?
A band of mewling soft scales followed by a whelp?
I'll grind your skulls under my heel.


Patch changes


  1. ^ N [68-70] Southern Exposure
  2. ^ N [68-70] Reporting In

External links