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Image of Sennarth
Title <The Cold Breath>
Gender Female
Race Ice spider (Beast)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Vault of the Incarnates
Status Killable

Sennarth, the Cold Breath is a boss in Vault of the Incarnates.

Adventure Guide

Sennarth, Kurog Grimtotem's most vicious creation, is a massive arachnid infused with the unforgiving cold. Her singular purpose is to guard her brood of thousands, awaiting the day they'll hatch and enshroud Azeroth in a web of winter.


Sennarth assaults players with chilling attacks that coat the floor in slippery ice. After a brief battle in the lower reaches of the chamber, Sennarth begins her ascent towards the icy summit of her lair. At each of the platforms along the staircase, Sennarth summons a Frostbreath Arachnid to her aid. At the top of her lair, Sennarth freezes the ground permanently and descends from her web to devour her prey.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers

  • Sticky Webbing provides protection against sliding on Icy Ground and being pushed and pulled.
  • Chilling Blast causes players to inflict Frost damage to other nearby players with Frost Expulsion.
  • Caustic Eruption will destroy and remove both Sticky Webbing and Wrapped in Webs.

Healer Alert Healers

  • Sticky Webbing provides protection against sliding on Icy Ground and being pushed and pulled.
  • Chilling Blast and Frost Expulsion will inflict high damage to players.

Tank Alert Tanks

  • Sticky Webbing provides protection against sliding on Icy Ground and being pushed and pulled.
  • Caustic Eruption will destroy and remove both Sticky Webbing and Wrapped in Webs.
  • Web Blast increases the damage taken from subsequent hits.
  • Frostbreath Arachnids use Freezing Breath on all targets in front of themselves.


Icon-search-48x48.png This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up. Reason: Text formatting

      • Spell frost frostblast.png Breath of Ice Important — Sennarth exhales a frozen vapor that creates patches of Icy Ground.
      • Spell hunter icetrap.png Icy Ground — Standing atop Icy Ground inflicts 4 Frost damage every 1000 sec and causes players to slide.
    • Spell fire blueflamering.png Chilling Blast — Sennarth chills players with volatile rime, inflicting 10 Frost damage every 1000 sec for 5 Sec and causing a Frost Expulsion upon expiration or removal.
      • Spell frost frostnova.png Frost Expulsion — An icy explosion inflicts 45 Frost damage to all other players within 4 yards.
    • Inv misc web 01.png Enveloping Webs — Sennarth causes spider webs to envelop several players, inflicting 8 Physical damage and causing them to drop Sticky Webbing at their locations every 1000 sec for 6 Sec.
      • Spell nature web.png Sticky Webbing — Standing within sticky cobwebs provides resistance to displacement and sliding, as well as reduces the player's movement speed by -25% for 30 Sec. Can be removed by Caustic Eruption.Upon reaching 10 applications, the target becomes Wrapped in Webs.
      • Spell nature web.png Sticky Webbing Mythic Difficulty — Standing within sticky cobwebs provides resistance to displacement and sliding, as well as reduces the player's movement speed by -25% for 30 Sec. Can be removed by Caustic Eruption.Upon reaching 10 applications, the target becomes Wrapped in Webs.
      • Spell frost stun.png Wrapped in Webs — Spiderwebs fully enwrap the player, stunning them for 30 Sec. Can be removed by Caustic Eruption.
      • Spell frost stun.png Wrapped in Webs — Spiderwebs enwrap the player, reducing their movement speed by -75% for 30 Sec. Can be removed by Caustic Eruption.
      • Spell frost stun.png Wrapped in Webs — Spiderwebs fully enwrap the player, stunning them for 30 Sec. Can be removed by Caustic Eruption.
    • Priest icon chakra.png Gossamer Burst — Sennarth attaches gossamer webs to all players, inflicting 65 Physical damage and drawing them inwards.
    • Priest icon chakra.png Gossamer Burst Deadly — Sennarth attaches gossamer webs to all players, inflicting 65 Physical damage and drawing them inwards.
    • Spell frost ring of frost.png Gusting Rime Mythic Difficulty — Sennarth forms whirling columns of ice, which inflict 30 Frost damage and knock back any players they come in contact with.
    • Frostbreath Arachnid
      • Spell shadow focusedpower.png Freezing Breath Tank Alert — The Frostbreath Arachnid emits a freezing breath, inflicting 40 Frost damage in a frontal cone and creating patches of Icy Ground.
      • Spell frost coldhearted.png Chilling Aura — The Frostbreath Arachnid effuses a chilling vapor, increasing its Frost damage done by 20% and inflicting 23 Frost damage to all players. This effect stacks.
    • Caustic Spiderlings
      • Spell nature corrosivebreath.png Caustic Eruption — The Caustic Spiderling erupts upon death, inflicting 20 Nature damage to players within 5 yards. The eruption destroys and removes webbing from the ground as well as Sticky Webbing and Wrapped in Webs from players struck.
      • Spell nature acid 01.png Dissolved Defenses Mythic Difficulty — Caustic acid dissolves the target's defenses, increasing Nature damage taken by 300% for 30 Sec. This effect stacks.
    • Sha spell fire bluepyroblast.png Web Blast Tank Alert — Sennarth blasts her current target with a ball of webs, inflicting 100% of normal attack damage and causing them to suffer $385083s2% increased damage from Web Blasts for 20 Sec. This effect stacks.
      • Spell fire bluecano.png Apex of Ice Important Interruptible — Sennarth wreathes herself in a chilling storm, creating Icy Ground in a large area. As long as the storm persists, Sennarth takes -99% less damage and inflicts 1 Frost damage to all players every $372540t1 sec for 4 Sec. This effect repeats and grows in intensity every 3000 sec.
      • Spell hunter icetrap.png Icy Ground — Standing atop Icy Ground inflicts 4 Frost damage every 1000 sec and causes players to slide.
    • Spell fire blueflamering.png Chilling Blast — Sennarth chills players with volatile rime, inflicting 10 Frost damage every 1000 sec for 5 Sec and causing a Frost Expulsion upon expiration or removal.
      • Spell frost frostnova.png Frost Expulsion — An icy explosion inflicts 45 Frost damage to all other players within 4 yards.
        • Spell fire blueflamestrike.png Glacial Plume — Frost Expulsion leaves behind a Glacial Plume. These plumes inflict 40 Frost damage and knock back players who come into contact with it.
    • Inv misc web 02.png Suffocating Webs — Sennarth targets several players with spiderwebs, inflicting 8 Physical damage every 11 sec for 6 Sec. At the end of the duration, she knocks them back while instantly causing Wrapped in Webs and releasing Sticky Webbing at their locations.
      • Spell nature web.png Sticky Webbing — Standing within sticky cobwebs provides resistance to displacement and sliding, as well as reduces the player's movement speed by -25% for 30 Sec. Can be removed by Caustic Eruption.Upon reaching 10 applications, the target becomes Wrapped in Webs.
      • Spell nature web.png Sticky Webbing Mythic Difficulty — Standing within sticky cobwebs provides resistance to displacement and sliding, as well as reduces the player's movement speed by -25% for 30 Sec. Can be removed by Caustic Eruption.Upon reaching 10 applications, the target becomes Wrapped in Webs.
      • Spell frost stun.png Wrapped in Webs — Spiderwebs enwrap the player, reducing their movement speed by -75% for 30 Sec. Can be removed by Caustic Eruption.
      • Spell frost stun.png Wrapped in Webs — Spiderwebs fully enwrap the player, stunning them for 30 Sec. Can be removed by Caustic Eruption.
    • Ability vehicle sonicshockwave.png Repelling Burst — Sennarth releases a burst of webs, inflicting 40 Physical damage to all players and pushing them away.
    • Ability vehicle sonicshockwave.png Repelling Burst Deadly — Sennarth releases a burst of webs, inflicting 40 Physical damage to all players and pushing them away.
    • Ability mage chilledtothebone.png Pervasive Cold Important — Sennarth chills the very air around herself, causing players to suffer 10% increased Frost damage until she dies. This effect stacks.
    • Caustic Spiderlings
      • Spell nature corrosivebreath.png Caustic Eruption — The Caustic Spiderling erupts upon death, inflicting 20 Nature damage to players within 5 yards. The eruption destroys and removes webbing from the ground as well as Sticky Webbing and Wrapped in Webs from players struck.
      • Spell nature acid 01.png Dissolved Defenses Mythic Difficulty — Caustic acid dissolves the target's defenses, increasing Nature damage taken by 300% for 30 Sec. This effect stacks.
    • Spell frost arcticwinds.png Permafrost Deadly — Permafrost forms on the lower reaches of Sennarth's lair, inflicting 2 Frost damage every 1000 sec to players within the affected area. This effect stacks.




  • During development, she was renamed from Shirenk.


Patch changes

External links