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Naleidea Rivergleam

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HordeNaleidea Rivergleam
Image of Naleidea Rivergleam
Gender Female
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 10-70
Class Mage
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Reliquary, Dragonscale Expedition, Dream Wardens
Location Orgrimmar; Waking Shores
Status Alive
Companion(s) Oliver (familiar)

Naleidea Rivergleam is a blood elf located in Orgrimmar and the Waking Shores.

Naleidea also attended the gathering in Amirdrassil when it bloomed on the Dragon Isles after Fyrakk's death.

TheWarWithin-Icon-Inline.png This section concerns content related to The War Within.

She appeared in the Delver's Headquarters in Dornogal alongside the other members of the Algari Expedition. She warned Brann Bronzebeard of a monster called Zekvir attacking explorers while they were delving.[1]


Field of Flames, Emerald Dream
  • Arcane Missiles


Removed from game The subject of this section has been removed from World of Warcraft.



During the Tempest Unleashed event at the Dranosh'ar Blockade

Our scouts report that turbulent elemental storms are churning the seas to dangerous, unnatural levels.

Until those clear, we will not be going anywhere.

Why not see what you can help with around here in the meantime?

At the Dranosh'ar Blockade prior to traveling to the Dragon Isles and Wingrest Embassy

Take a deep breath before you dive into the Dragon Isles, <name>.

Don't let hastiness and recklessness spoil even a single opportunity in this great adventure.

Dragonscale Basecamp

There's just so much research to be done!

At the Sealed Titan Facility during A [20-60] Break On Through

Did you have a question, <name>?





Notes and trivia

Patch changes

See also


  1. ^ N [70-80] Delve Hunter
  2. ^ Expeditionary Coordination (Horde)#Notes
  3. ^ Twitter @Rebeccalee_VO: "Gathering these snippets of World of Warcraft: Dragonflight play from YouTube has been a delight. I’m thrilled to voice Naleidea Rivergleam."

External links

es:Naleidea Brillorrío