Armor token

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Armor tokens are currency used to purchase pieces of armor that are part of raid tier armor sets. Armor tokens from the most recent tiers can be used to purchase head, shoulder, chest, hand, and legs armor, as well as back in World of Warcraft: Legion. They come in four levels of power, which are: raid finder, normal, heroic and mythic. The raid finder tokens were introduced for the Dragon Soul raid (Tier 13), and previous tiers had, at most, normal and heroic tokens.

Furthermore, the tokens are divided into three types which correspond to the classes that can purchase armor with them. The Vanquisher tokens can be used by Rogues, Death Knights, Mages, and Druids. The Conqueror tokens can be used by Paladins, Priests, Warlocks and Demon Hunters. The Protector tokens can be used by Warriors, Hunters, Shamans, and Monks.

During World of Warcraft: Cataclysm not all armor in tier sets were purchased with individual tokens, and some sets have more than 5 pieces: tier 16 have 8 tokens, while tier 19 have 6 tokens. In 2012, Blizzard stated that they would not intend to allow tier pieces to be bought with points such as [Justice Points] or [Valor Points], and instead they would only be available from raid-dropped armor tokens.[citation needed]  (In Tier 11 and Tier 12, some pieces could be bought with [Valor Points]).

Starting with World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor, tier pieces are created directly through tokens dropped from bosses, and in World of Warcraft: Legion tier pieces drops directly from bosses unless Master Loot is enabled.

Class assignment

Type Classes
Conqueror Paladin, Priest, Warlock, Legion-Logo-Small.png Demon Hunter
Protector Warrior, Hunter, Shaman, Monk
Vanquisher Rogue, Death Knight, Mage, Druid


Tier 3 "desecrated" tokens
Was available from the original Naxxramas, were removed when Naxxramas was renovated for the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. Was an 8 piece set.
Tier 4 "the Fallen" tokens
Available from Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, and Magtheridon's Lair.
15 individual tokens (5 piece set). Tokens for each armor location dropped by separate bosses.
Tier 5 "the Vanquished" tokens
Available from Serpentshrine Cavern and The Eye in Tempest Keep.
15 individual tokens (5 piece set). Tokens for each armor location dropped by separate bosses.
Tier 6 "the Forgotten" tokens
Available from Sunwell, Mount Hyjal, and the Black Temple raid instances
24 individual tokens (8 piece set). Tokens for each armor location dropped by separate bosses. Can be redeemed by going to Tydormu at Hyjal Summit.
Tier 7 "the Lost" tokens
Available as drops from 10-man and 25-man Northrend raid instances: Naxxramas and Obsidian Sanctum. 25-man Hand and chest armor tokens were also available from  [Emblem of Heroism] vendors
24 individual tokens (8 piece set).
Tier 8 "the Wayward" tokens
Available as drops from 10-man and 25-man raid instance: Ulduar. 25-man Head and chest items were also available from  [Emblem of Conquest] vendors
24 individual tokens (8 piece set).
Tier 9 "regalia" tokens
This tier has three "item levels." They were created in an effort to address the introduction of optional "heroic" modes for each of the 10- and 25-man raids.
item level 232 armor is obtainable via [Justice Points] (initially  [Emblem of Triumph])
item level 245 gear:  [Trophy of the Crusade] + the original ivl 232 piece traded in + Additional [Justice Points] (initially  [Emblem of Triumph])
item level 258 gear:  [Regalia of the Grand Conqueror],  [Regalia of the Grand Vanquisher],  [Regalia of the Grand Protector] (items are keyed to class but not location) + item level 245 equivalent
Tier 10 "of Sanctification" tokens (Icecrown Citadel raids)
any piece of Tier 10/item level 264 armor:  [Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification],  [Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification],  [Protector's Mark of Sanctification] (items are keyed to class but not location)
any piece of Tier 10/item level 277 armor: (Heroic versions of the above)  [Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification],  [Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification],  [Protector's Mark of Sanctification] (items are keyed to class but not location)
Tier 11 "the forlorn" tokens (Blackwing Descent, Bastion of Twilight, Throne of the Four Winds)
item level 359 Chest piece, legs, and gloves: purchased with [Justice Points] (initially, [Valor Points])
item level 359 head and shoulder pieces: purchased with tokens gained from Nefarian or Cho'gall respectively.
item level 372 Chest, leg, or glove items: purchased with the lower level item and a token from heroic level Halfus Wyrmbreaker, Maloriak, and Magmaw respectively.
item level 372 head and shoulder pieces: purchased with tokens gained from heroic Nefarian and Cho'gall respectively.
 [Essence of the Forlorn], from heroic Al'Akir, can be used to purchase any of the heroic level tokens.
Tier 12 "the fiery" tokens (Firelands)
item level 378 chest, legs, and hand items: purchased with [Justice Points] (initially, [Valor Points])
item level 378 head and shoulder items: purchased with tokens gained from Ragnaros and Majordomo Staghelm, respectively.
item level 391 chest, legs, and hand items: purchased with the lower level item and tokens gained from heroic Alysrazor, Shannox, or Baleroc, respectively.
item level 391 head and shoulder items: purchased with tokens gained from heroic Ragnaros and Majordomo Staghelm, respectively.
Tier 13 "the corrupted" tokens (Dragon Soul)
item level 384 chest, legs, hands, head and shoulder items: purchased with tokens gained from bosses on Raid Finder difficulty.
item level 397 chest, legs, hands, head and shoulder items: purchased with tokens gained from bosses on normal difficulty.
item level 410 chest, legs, hands, head and shoulder items: purchased with tokens gained from bosses on heroic difficulty.
Tier 14 "the shadowy" tokens (Heart of Fear, Terrace of Endless Spring)
item level 483 chest, legs, hands, head and shoulder items: purchased with tokens gained from bosses on Raid Finder difficulty.
item level 496 chest, legs, hands, head and shoulder items: purchased with tokens gained from bosses on normal difficulty.
item level 509 chest, legs, hands, head and shoulder items: purchased with tokens gained from bosses on heroic difficulty.
Tier 15 "the crackling" tokens (Throne of Thunder)
item level 502 chest, legs, hands, head and shoulder items: purchased with tokens gained from bosses on Raid Finder difficulty.
item level 522 chest, legs, hands, head and shoulder items: purchased with tokens gained from bosses on normal difficulty.
item level 535 chest, legs, hands, head and shoulder items: purchased with tokens gained from bosses on heroic difficulty.
Tier 16 "the cursed" tokens (Siege of Orgrimmar)
item level 528 chest, legs, hands, head and shoulder items: purchased with tokens gained from bosses on Raid Finder difficulty.
item level 540 chest, legs, hands, head and shoulder items: purchased with tokens gained from bosses on normal difficulty.
item level 553 chest, legs, hands, head and shoulder items: purchased with tokens gained from bosses on heroic difficulty.
item level 566 chest, legs, hands, head and shoulder items: purchased with tokens gained from bosses on mythic difficulty.
Tier 17 "the iron" tokens (Blackrock Foundry)
item level 665 chest, legs, hands, head and shoulder items: created with tokens gained from bosses on normal difficulty.
item level 680 chest, legs, hands, head and shoulder items: created with tokens gained from bosses on heroic difficulty.
item level 695 chest, legs, hands, head and shoulder items: created with tokens gained from bosses on mythic difficulty.
Tier 18 "hellfire's" tokens (Hellfire Citadel)
item level 695 chest, legs, hands, head and shoulder items: created with tokens gained from bosses on normal difficulty.
item level 710 chest, legs, hands, head and shoulder items: created with tokens gained from bosses on heroic difficulty.
item level 725 chest, legs, hands, head and shoulder items: created with tokens gained from bosses on mythic difficulty.