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Gets the faction ID for currency that is immediately converted into reputation with that faction instead.

factionID = C_CurrencyInfo.GetFactionGrantedByCurrency(currencyID)






Note: This list is up to date as of patch 9.0.1
CurrencyID FactionID Name
1579 2164 Champions of Azeroth
1592 2161 Order of Embers
1593 2160 Proudmoore Admiralty
1594 2162 Storm's Wake
1595 2156 Talanji's Expedition
1596 2158 Voldunai
1597 2103 Zandalari Empire
1598 2163 Tortollan Seekers
1599 2159 7th Legion
1600 2157 Honorbound
1738 2373 Unshackled
1739 2400 Ankoan
1740 2391 Rustbolt Resistance (Hidden)
1742 2391 Rustbolt Resistance
1745 2389 Nazjatar Ally - Neri Sharpfin
1746 2390 Nazjatar Ally - Vim Brineheart
1747 2388 Nazjatar Ally - Poen Gillbrack
1748 2377 Nazjatar Ally - Bladesman Inowari
1749 2375 Nazjatar Ally - Hunter Akana
1750 2376 Nazjatar Ally - Farseer Ori
1752 2395 Honeyback Hive
1757 2417 Uldum Accord
1758 2415 Rajani
1804 2407 Ascended
1805 2410 Undying Army
1806 2422 Wild Hunt
1807 2413 Court of Harvesters
1837 2445 The Ember Court
1838 2449 The Countess
1839 2453 Rendle and Cudgelface
1840 2460 Stonehead
1841 2455 Cryptkeeper Kassir
1842 2446 Baroness Vashj
1843 2461 Plague Deviser Marileth
1844 2457 Grandmaster Vole
1845 2450 Alexandros Mograine
1846 2459 Sika
1847 2458 Kleia and Pelegos
1848 2452 Polemarch Adrestes
1849 2448 Mikanikos
1850 2454 Choofa
1851 2456 Droman Aliothe
1852 2451 Hunt-Captain Korayn
1853 2447 Lady Moonberry

Patch changes

Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): Added.