Zeke Bootscuff

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NeutralZeke Bootscuff
Image of Zeke Bootscuff
Gender Male
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Gadgetzan
Location Bootlegger Outpost, Tanaris[56, 61]
Status Alive

Zeke Bootscuff is a goblin quest giver found at Bootlegger Outpost in central Tanaris.

Having been sent to the Gaping Chasm by Marin Noggenfogger to either wipe out the silithid or turn them into a profit, he and his team weren't very successful for weeks. He had adventurers, sent by Megs Dreadshredder and Kelsey Steelspark, save Captured Goblin Bughunters from Hazzali Cocoons, collect pieces of hyena meat, and capture a Hazzali Swarmer.

He spent a week staring at the silithid pit trying to think of how to fulfill Marin's mission, but he ran out of ideas and was starving. He decided to resort to the second part of the mission, clearing the silithid out, and had the adventurer do it. To speed things up, he ordered for the adventurer and Narain Soothfancy to use the captured swarmer to detonate the chasm.

In the meantime, Zeke also met with Megs, who stopped by. It appears he knows her, and it had been months since he last saw her.

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

He was present during the Legion Invasions.

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

After the Fourth War, he was met by Rexxar and Zekhan. He was proud of his business savvy, for staying in the area when others fled. He gained barrels of coin from "the new sword feature the Legion installed off in the horizon."[1]




I'm not here on vacation, pal. Noggenfogger sent me down here with a mission: Find out how to turn a profit on these silithid, or wipe 'em clean.

If a <race> like you wants to do some favors for the Steamwheedle Cartel, I could use a hand.

Main article: A Great Idea#Notes

Patch changes


External links

Tanaris Legion Invasions