Zandalari Warscout

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MobZandalari Warscout
Image of Zandalari Warscout
Gender Male
Race Zandalari troll (Humanoid)
Level 35 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Various on Pandaria
Status Killable

Zandalari Warscouts are scouts of Lei Shen's army. They travel ahead of the main invasion force, spying inland for key points to attack.

Zandalari Warscouts appear in the Woods of the Lost in the Jade Forest on a Silentstrike Pterrorwing. The Pterrorwing approaches the cliff to allow the scout to dismount.


Zone Subzone Loc
Jade Forest Woods of the Lost [52.6, 18.8]
Krasarang Wilds Nayeli Lagoon [38.8, 63.3]
Kun-Lai Summit Auburn Bluffs [75, 67]
Townlong Steppes Sik'vess [36.5, 85.8]
Dread Wastes Briny Muck [47.3, 62.1]


  • Inv mask 02.png Horrific Visage 30 yd range — Strikes fear in an enemy, causing it to flee in terror for 8 sec. 2 sec cast. Interruptible. (7 sec cooldown)
  • Spell fire meteorstorm.png Meteor Shower — Summons a shower of meteors, dealing Fire damage at the impact locations. 3 sec cast. Uninterruptible. 10 sec duration. Ticks every 0.5 sec for 185-215K Fire in a 3-yd radius (10 sec cooldown)
  • Inv misc ahnqirajtrinket 01.png Scarab Swarm — Summons a bevy of scarabs to attack the enemy. 2 sec cast. Uninterruptible. Summons 10 Scarabs, each with 39,431 health. (7 sec cooldown)
  • Warrior talent icon thunderstruck.png Thunder Crush — Crush enemies in a cone in front of the caster for 250,000 Nature damage. 1.5 sec cast. Uninterruptible. 20-yard radius. Hits for 231-269K Nature. (7 sec cooldown)
  • Spell holy guardianspirit.png Vengeful Spirit — Summons a vengeful spirit to assist the caster. 3 sec cast. Uninterruptible. Summons a Vengeful Spirit with 3,943,410 health. (8 sec cooldown)


Scouts will have three of the five listed abilities.

The scouts can be stunned, snared, and rooted, but not polymorphed. Take advantage of the susceptibility to stuns to interrupt Meteor Shower. Interrupt Horrific Visage the regular way, and group up on the warbringer when it winds up a Scarab Swarm cast to take them all out with area of effect spells. Thunder Crush is a standard 45-degree frontal cone ability that should be side-stepped out of, and whoever is targeted by the Vengeful Spirit should just kite it around.


Item Type
 [Big Bag of Zandalari Supplies] Goody bag
 [Small Bag of Zandalari Supplies] Goody bag
 [Stolen Celestial Insignia] Rep token
 [Stolen Golden Lotus Insignia] Rep token
 [Stolen Klaxxi Insignia] Rep token
 [Stolen Shado-Pan Insignia] Rep token


Patch changes

See also

External links