Briny Muck

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The Briny Muck.

The Briny Muck lies offshore to the south of the western Dread Wastes mainland, between the Heart of Fear and Zan'vess. The Shelf of Mazu is to the east, the Muckscale Shallows are to the west, and the Stinging Trail is immediately to the north.

Flight path connections

The flight master, Infiltrator Ik'thal, can be found at the end of the Stinging Trail from the mainland as it reaches the muck.

The Briny Muck Digsite

At the eastern tip of Zan'vess is a Mantid archaeology dig site.


  • During development, this area was named The Shallows.

Patch changes

External links

Dread Wastes Assault on Zan'vess