Wormcaller Iz'tikrine

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MobWormcaller Iz'tikrine
Image of Wormcaller Iz'tikrine
Gender Male
Race Nerubian (Humanoid)
Level 78-80
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Wormlands, Azj-Kahet[38.95, 42.23]
Status Killable

Wormcaller Iz'tikrine is a nerubian located at the bottom of a cave (entrance at [40.1, 39.81]) in the Wormlands in Azj-Kahet, where he is channeling on an Ancient Resonance Pylon. He is a great admirer of jawcrawlers, having authored a three-volume essay on the topic, and claims to have mastered the art of using sound magic to summon and control them.[1] Greenspeaker Na'layro wants him killed and the gem he is using to summon the jawcrawlers retrieved.[2]


  • Ability vehicle sonicshockwave.png Deepsong — Broadcasting a discordant harmony that will attract worms.
In combat
  • Inv misc questionmark.png Web Bolt — The caster shoots a dense wad of webbing at their current target, inflicting Nature damage and reducing movement speed by 35% for 5 sec.
  • Inv misc web 02.png Web Lash — Root enemies for 5 sec.

Objective of


Invader! You dare threaten my lovelies?!
Web Lash
Hold still, so my lovelies might feed!
Make... sure... they eat all of me.

Patch changes


External links