Greenspeaker Na'layro

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NeutralGreenspeaker Na'layro

Greenspeaker Na'layro.jpg

Greenspeaker Na'layro bat.jpg

Gender Male
Race Haranir (Humanoid)
Level 78-80
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location The Wormlands, Azj-Kahet[42.29, 42.53]
Status Alive

Greenspeaker Na'layro is a haranir quest giver located by the southeastern entrance to the Wormlands in Azj-Kahet, where he asks adventurers to help him stop Wormcaller Iz'tikrine's infestation of cave borers from threatening the great roots in the area.

The greenspeaker is initially in bat form, but shifts to his true form on approach.



Upon completion of N [78-80] Strange Bats
Walk softly! They can hear your footsteps.
Initial gossip

Walk softly here. The ground listens.

Who I am is unimportant. If anyone should ask you, especially my own people, I would consider it a kindness if you did not mention we ever spoke.

However, who you are is of great importance. You are someone unburdened by the oaths I am sworn to. You can do things I am forbidden from interfering with, no matter how much good it might bring.

After quest completion

You have done what I am forbidden to. You have gone where I cannot and fought that which must not know I exist.

It is almost liberating to have such help. Though please, do not take it personally if I never tell my people of our meeting.

I thank you for your efforts.

Patch changes

External links

Normal Bat form