WoW's 10th Anniversary

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WoW's Anniversary
The subject of this article or section was exclusively part of WoW's 10th Anniversary. It has since been removed and is no longer available.
  • 10 Achievement points
  • WoW's 10th Anniversary
  • Logged in during WoW's 10th Anniversary.
  • Pet Reward: Molten Corgi
10th Anniversary logo

WoW's 10th Anniversary is a Feat of Strength achievement earned for logging in during the 10th anniversary of World of Warcraft between 21 November 2014 to 5 January 2015. This anniversary had a temporary Tarren Mill vs Southshore 40vs40 battleground, a temporary Raid Finder-style revamp of the Molten Core raid to obtain the  [Core Hound Chain] mount, a chance at the  [Hatespark the Tiny] pet, and a small chance at the Flames of Ragnaros from Ragnaros. Everyone also received a  [Molten Corgi] pet in the mail.

WoW's 10th Anniversary!

Can you believe it's been ten years?

We wanted to thank you for joining us in our celebration of the tenth anniversary of World of Warcraft with this adorable fiery fellow, plucked from the Firelord's litter.

The WoW Dev Team



Patch changes

See also

External links

Achievement Event