WoW's 4th Anniversary

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WoW's Anniversary
The subject of this article or section was exclusively part of WoW's 4th Anniversary. It has since been removed and is no longer available.
  • 10 Achievement points
  • WoW's 4th Anniversary
  • Logged in during WoW's 4th Anniversary.

WoW's 4th Anniversary is a Feat of Strength earned by logging in during the 4th anniversary of World of Warcraft.

After receiving the achievement, players received a  [Baby Blizzard Bear] companion in the mail attached to the following letter:

WoW's 4th Anniversary!

Did you know that the World of Warcraft is now four years old?

We wanted to send you something to say thanks for sharing this game with us. Sure, the 4th anniversary present is traditionally "flowers"... but in WoW, it's "bear."

With that said, please accept this furry little friend! Just remember to hold his fish by the tail, not the body... that mouth is bigger than it looks.

The WoW Dev Team

See also

Patch changes

External links