Whispers on the Winds (Alliance)

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AllianceWhispers on the Winds
Start Archmage Khadgar
End Wrathion
Level 10-70
Category The Dragonscale Expedition
Experience 1,150
Rewards 2g 57s 40c
Previous A [10-70] Expeditionary Coordination, A [10-70] The Obsidian Warders
Next A [10-70] To the Dragon Isles!
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [10-70] Whispers on the Winds.


Speak with Archmage Khadgar in Stormwind.


Hello, <name>. It's been a while, and I wish we had more time to catch up.
But you see, I've just had a rather enlightening... no, make that foreboding... yes, a foreboding conversation with an old friend.
Sometimes a revelation can be both, after all.
I really must tell you of what I've learned.
So you are a dracthyr? Fascinating! Yes, I can definitely sense draconic magic combined with the essence of mortal races within you.
Say, you should come visit Karazhan. I can introduce you to Medivh. I would love to know if he has any knowledge or books about--
Pardon me. I sometimes get carried away.
I understand you've been through quite an ordeal, and I've no wish to burden you further. But I've just had a conversation with an old friend that I must tell you about.


You will receive:

  • 2g 57s 40c
  • 1,150 XP


Our journey begins with you.


Your reaction is understandable. I dare say I felt the same.
Though the Aspects were not present to witness Raszageth's release as we were, now you know how seriously they take this situation.
We must aid Alexstrasza's cause, <name>.


During the Tempest Unleashed event, this quest was available at level 10 and was followed by A [10-60] Chasing Storms, A [10-60D] Legacy of Tyr: Secrets of the Past, and A [10-60] A Primal Threat.

Speaking to Khadgar
We have much to discuss.
Gossip <Ask Khadgar what happened.>

A cinematic plays - A Tempest Unleashed:

In Karazhan, Kalecgos arrives at the Guardian's Library where Khadgar is reading.
Khadgar: I did not expect to see you again so soon, my friend. After you'd answer the call of the isles.
Kalecgos: Something has happened, Khadgar. Something Terrible.
Khadgar closes the book and turns to Kalecgos.
Khadgar: Kalecgos....tell me.
Kalecgos: It happened so quickly. And Wrathion, young as he is...bravely, or perhaps foolishly tried to stop it...
The sequence shifts to a recap of Raszageth's escape showing Wrathion unable to stop Raszageth from being freed.
Kalecgos: but he was too late. The Tempest had already been unleashed.
The sequence shifts to another flashback in Valdrakken where Alexstrasza, Nozdormu, Kalecgos, Watcher Koranos and Wrathion are gathered.
Wrathion: She let me live with a message. They are coming to cleanse the world of the Titans' Stain.
Watcher Koranos and Kalecgos are suprised.
Wrathion: Alexstrasza...Who is she? What is she?
Alexstrasza: She is Razsageth. The Youngest of the Primal Incarnates.
Wrathion: Incarnates?
Nozdormu: Four dangerous adherents of the Elemental Forces. At the Dawn of the Aspects, our flights embraced the titans' gifts. They did not.
Alexstrasza: The war that followed was unimaginable, and it took all of our strength combined to banish them.
Wrathion: If they were so dangerous, why were they not destroyed?!
Alexstrasza: I haven't the heart to do it. We were once as clutchmates.
Nozdormu: Time, it seems, has not quelled their fury. And look at us. Should she free her kin now, we haven't the strength to stop them. And if Iridikron's hunger is unleashed....
Alexstrasza: Then we have no choice. If we are to be protectors once more, the aspects of our Dragonflights must be made anew.
The sequence shifts back to Kalecgos and Khadgar.
Kalecgos: The Queen is determined too, Khadgar. But we've only just begun to find who we are again. And I fear that without help, we may never get the chance to see our future secured.
Khadgar puts aways the books and summons Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian
Khadgar: Then it seems the mortal races too, must answer the call and face the storms ahead.


  1. B [10-70] The Dragon Isles Await
  2. B [10-70] Aspectral Invitation
  3. B [10-70] Expeditionary Coordination & H [10-70] The Dark Talons / A [10-70] The Obsidian Warders
  4. B [10-70] Whispers on the Winds
  5. B [10-70] The Call of the Isles (optional breadcrumb)
  6. B [10-70] To the Dragon Isles!

Alpha version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the alpha stages of Dragonflight.


I bring news from an old friend. Come, let us begin to unravel the information surrounding the journey that lies before us.

Patch changes

External links