Waking the Nightmare

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NeutralWaking the Nightmare
Start Shadowy Figure
End Shadowy Figure
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Type Raid
Category Moonglade
Experience 7,100
Reputation +150 Emerald Wardens
Rewards  [Inert Mantle of Nightmares]
1g 45s
Previous N [50] The Bad News...


Destroy the Nightmare Amalgamation and bring the Shadowy Figure any loot you find.


Now that you have Ziri's gadget, you should have everything you need to take on the Nightmare Amalgamation. Gather as many allies as you can and head back into the Nightmare by way of the portal Bough Shadow in Ashenvale. Find and destroy the Nightmare Amalgamation within its lair.

Oh, and one more thing... the beast is in possession of a specific item that is of great interest to me. Bring me whatever you find on its corpse and you'll be well rewarded.


You will receive:


How goes the hunt?


Fantastic work, <name>. Now for your reward!

You see, all I wanted is a little teeny fragment of a dream hiding within this mantle, but the husk is a treasure all on its own, and that part is yours. I think you'll find that it has certain unique properties, and if you have the proper skills for it, speak with me again and I'm sure I can help you figure out just the right way to use it.


  1. N [50] An Amalagamation of Nightmares
  2. N [50] Itharius
  3. N [50R] Going Under
  4. N [50] Return to Moonglade
  5. N [50] A Fortuitous Turn of Events
  6. N [50] The Bad News...
  7. N [50R] Waking the Nightmare


After completing this quest, crafters with at least 250 skill in their profession can speak with the Shadowy Figure to learn new epic crafting recipes.

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