
Ziri "The Wrench" Littlesprocket

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NeutralZiri "The Wrench" Littlesprocket
No image available
Title <Gearhead>
Gender Female
Race Gnome (Humanoid)
Level 40
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Clean Zone, Gnomeregan

Ziri "The Wrench" Littlesprocket is a gnome found in the Clean Zone in Gnomeregan.

She helped the Shadowy Figure by crafting a set of  [Void-Powered Vambraces] for her using a Pristine G-7 C.O.R.E. Processor.[1]


Ziri will sell profession recipes after completing N [40R] Salvaging the Salvagematic.

Pointer repair on 32x32.png This vendor offers a repair service.

Name Type Cost
 [Hyperconductive Shimmershirt] Cloth Armor 1 Power Depleted Chest
 [Hyperconductive Robe] Cloth Armor 1 Power Depleted Chest
 [Insulated Chestguard] Leather Armor 1 Power Depleted Chest
 [Insulated Apron] Leather Armor 1 Power Depleted Chest
 [Electromantic Chainmail] Mail Armor 1 Power Depleted Chest
 [Electromantic Chainshirt] Mail Armor 1 Power Depleted Chest
 [H.A.Z.A.R.D. Breastplate] Plate Armor 1 Power Depleted Chest
 [Shockforged Breastplate] Plate Armor 1 Power Depleted Chest
 [Hyperconductive Pantaloons] Cloth Armor 1 Power Depleted Legs
 [Hyperconductive Skirt] Cloth Armor 1 Power Depleted Legs
 [Insulated Legguards] Leather Armor 1 Power Depleted Legs
 [Insulated Leggings] Leather Armor 1 Power Depleted Legs
 [Electromantic Chausses] Mail Armor 1 Power Depleted Legs
 [Electromantic Gambeson] Mail Armor 1 Power Depleted Legs
 [H.A.Z.A.R.D. Legplates] Plate Armor 1 Power Depleted Legs
 [Shockforged Legplates] Plate Armor 1 Power Depleted Legs
 [Hyperconductive Sandals] Cloth Armor 1 Power Depleted Boots
 [Hyperconductive Walkers] Cloth Armor 1 Power Depleted Boots
 [Insulated Workboots] Leather Armor 1 Power Depleted Boots
 [Insulated Galoshes] Leather Armor 1 Power Depleted Boots
 [Electromantic Grounding Sabatons] Mail Armor 1 Power Depleted Boots
 [Electromantic Grounding Boots] Mail Armor 1 Power Depleted Boots
 [H.A.Z.A.R.D. Boots] Plate Armor 1 Power Depleted Boots
 [Shockforged Battleboots] Plate Armor 1 Power Depleted Boots
 [Ziri's Mystery Crate] Junk 3 A Pile of Random Parts
 [Recipe: Insulating Gniodine] Alchemy Recipe 15g
 [Plans: Low-Background Truesilver Plates] Blacksmithing Plans 15g
 [Schematic: Polished Truesilver Gears] Engineering Schematic 15g
 [Pattern: Faintly Glowing Leather] Leatherworking Pattern 15g
 [Pattern: Hyperconductive Arcano-Filament] Tailoring Pattern 15g
 [Recipe: Mildly-Irradiated Rejuvenation Potion] Alchemy Recipe 25g
 [Plans: Reflective Truesilver Braincage] Blacksmithing Plans 25g
 [Plans: Tempered Interference-Negating Helmet] Blacksmithing Plans 25g
 [Enchanted Sigil: Innovation] Enchanting Formula 25g
 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Dismantle] Enchanting Formula 25g
 [Formula: Enchant Chest - Retricutioner] Enchanting Formula 25g
 [Schematic: Ez-Thro Radiation Bomb] Engineering Schematic 25g
 [Schematic: High-Yield Radiation Bomb] Engineering Schematic 25g
 [Schematic: Hyperconductive Goldwrap] Engineering Schematic 25g
 [Schematic: Whirling Truesilver Gearwall] Engineering Schematic 25g
 [Pattern: Glowing Gneuro-Linked Cowl] Leatherworking Pattern 25g
 [Pattern: Glowing Hyperconductive Scale Coif] Leatherworking Pattern 25g
 [Pattern: Gneuro-Conductive Channeler's Hood] Leatherworking Pattern 25g
 [Pattern: Rad-Resistant Scale Hood] Leatherworking Pattern 25g
 [Pattern: Gneuro-Linked Arcano-Filament Monocle] Tailoring Pattern 25g



The Clean Zone gossip

Heya, pal.

Buy Show me what you've got, Ziri.

N [40R] The Corroded Core

Why are you sitting here talking to me? <Ziri makes a shooting motion with her hands>

You got a job to do, last I checked.

Gossip I found this G-7 Unit, will this do?

Uh, no. This thing looks like it's about to turn to dust in your hand. I need a PRISTINE G-7 C.O.R.E Processor

Gossip It looks like there's an inscription on it, but I can't make it out. <Show Ziri the text on the unit>

It's tough to make out, but I don't need to be able to read it to tell you that this was made by Wirdal Wondergear. Everyone knows Wirdal. He's probably the most well-known computational engineer in Gnomeregan. Real hardcore dude.

Gossip Do you think he could fix this? Where is he now?

Well if anyone could fix this, it would be him. As for where he is, no clue. I know that when things started going pear-shaped in here he was able to make it out with some other refugees. Last I heard he was staying in Booty Bay. I heard that there was a goblin engineer there working on a new type of teleporter pad. I'm sure that would have caught Wirdal's interest, he was a bit of a pioneer in teleportation tech. Maybe he's still there, or one of the goblins will know where he ended up.

Patch changes


External links