Emerald Wardens

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NeutralEmerald Wardens
Main leader IconSmall NightElf Male.gif Field Captain Palandar
Race(s) Night elfNight elf Night elf
Theater of operations Ashenvale, Duskwood, Feralas, and the Hinterlands
Status Active
Quartermaster Quartermaster Alandra

The Emerald Wardens are a hastily-organized group of druids, working with both the Alliance and the Horde to stop the Nightmare Incursions taking place at the Emerald Dream portals in Ashenvale, Duskwood, Feralas, and the Hinterlands.


Reputation is primarily earned by participating in Nightmare Incursions.


Emerald Wardens
Rep Item Cost Type
Neutral  [Catnip] 52s 94c Consumable
 [Purification Potion] 21s 17c Consumable
 [Greater Healing Potion] 5s 29c Consumable
 [Major Healing Potion] 26s 47c Consumable
 [Nihilist Epiphany] 1g 69s 41c Priest rune
 [Rune of Affliction] 1g 69s 41c Warlock rune
 [Rune of Alacrity] 1g 69s 41c Rogue rune
 [Rune of Bloodshed] 1g 69s 41c Druid rune
 [Rune of Burn] 1g 69s 41c Shaman rune
 [Rune of Detonation] 1g 69s 41c Hunter rune
 [Rune of the Hammer] 1g 69s 41c Paladin rune
 [Rune of the Protector] 1g 69s 41c Warrior rune
 [Spell Notes: Molten Armor] 1g 69s 41c Mage rune
 [Wolfshead Trophy] 1 Wolfshead Helm Head enchant
 [Weapon Cleaning Cloth] 22s 50c Consumable
 [Anguish of the Dream] 87s 83c Trinket
 [Dream Imbued Arrow] 200 Mithril Gyro-Shot Ammo
 [Emerald Chain Boots] 3g Mail Feet
 [Emerald Chain Gauntlets] 3g Mail Hands
 [Emerald Chain Shoudlers] 3g Mail Shoulder
 [Emerald Dream Gauntlets] 3g 37s 50c Plate Hands
 [Emerald Dream Pauldrons] 3g 37s 50c Plate Shoulder
 [Emerald Dream Sabatons] 3g 37s 50c Plate Feet
 [Emerald Dreamkeeper Boots] 3g 17s 64c Leather Feet
 [Emerald Dreamkeeper Gloves] 3g 17s 64c Leather Hands
 [Emerald Dreamkeeper Shoulders] 3g 17s 64c Leather Shoulder
 [Emerald Enchanted Boots] 3g 17s 64c Cloth Feet
 [Emerald Enchanted Gloves] 3g 17s 64c Cloth Hands
 [Emerald Enchanted Shoulders] 3g 17s 64c Cloth Shoulder
 [Emerald Encrusted Handguards] 3g 17s 64c Plate Hands
 [Emerald Encrusted Plate Boots] 3g 17s 64c Plate Feet
 [Emerald Encrusted Spaulders] 3g 17s 64c Plate Shoulder
 [Emerald Laden Boots] 3g Mail Feet
 [Emerald Chain Gauntlets] 3g Mail Hands
 [Emerald Laden Shoudlers] 3g Mail Shoulder
 [Emerald Leather Gloves] 3g 17s 64c Leather Hands
 [Emerald Leather Sabatons] 3g 17s 64c Leather Feet
 [Emerald Leather Shoulders] 3g 17s 64c Leather Shoulder
 [Emerald Ring] 44s 81c Ring
 [Emerald Ring] 44s 81c Ring
 [Emerald Scalemail Boots] 3g 17s 64c Mail Feet
 [Emerald Scalemail Gauntlets] 3g 17s 64c Mail Hands
 [Emerald Scalemail Shoulders] 3g 17s 64c Mail Shoulder
 [Emerald Watcher Boots] 3g 17s 64c Leather Feet
 [Emerald Watcher Gloves] 3g 17s 64c Leather Hands
 [Emerald Watcher Shoulders] 3g 17s 64c Leather Shoulder
 [Emerald Enchanted Boots] 3g 17s 64c Cloth Feet
 [Emerald Enchanted Gloves] 3g 17s 64c Cloth Hands
 [Emerald Enchanted Mantle] 3g 17s 64c Cloth Shoulder
 [Nightmare Siphon] 51g 96s Trinket
Honored  [Emerald Chain Breastplate] 6g Mail Chest
 [Emerald Chain Helmet] 6g Mail Head
 [Emerald ChainLeggings] 6g Mail Legs
 [Emerald Dream Breastplate] 6g 75s Plate Chest
 [Emerald Dream Helm] 6g 75s Plate Head
 [Emerald Dream Legplates] 6g 75s Plate Legs
 [Emerald Dreamkeeper Chest] 6g 35s 29c Leather Chest
 [Emerald Dreamkeeper Helm] 6g 35s 29c Leather Head
 [Emerald Dreamkeeper Pants] 6g 35s 29c Leather Legs
 [Emerald Enchanted Circlet] 6g 35s 29c Cloth Head
 [Emerald Enchanted Pants] 6g 35s 29c Cloth Head
 [Emerald Enchanted Robes] 6g 35s 29c Cloth Chest
 [Emerald Encrusted Battleplate] 6g 35s 29c Plate Chest
 [Emerald Encrusted Helmet] 6g 35s 29c Plate Head
 [Emerald Encrusted Legplates] 6g 35s 29c Plate Legs
 [Emerald Laden Breastplate] 6g Mail Chest
 [Emerald Laden Helmet] 6g Mail Head
 [Emerald Laden Leggings] 6g Mail Legs
 [Emerald Leather Helm] 6g 35s 29c Leather Head
 [Emerald Leather Pants] 6g 35s 29c Leather Legs
 [Emerald Leather Vest] 6g 35s 29c Leather Chest
 [Emerald Ring] 5g 97s 76c Ring
 [Emerald Ring] 5g 97s 76c Ring
 [Emerald Scalemail Breastplate] 6g 35s 29c Mail Chest
 [Emerald Scalemail Helmet] 6g 35s 29c Mail Head
 [Emerald Scalemail Leggings] 6g 35s 29c Mail Legs
 [Emerald Watcher Helm] 6g 35s 29c Leather Head
 [Emerald Watcher Leggings] 6g 35s 29c Leather Legs
 [Emerald Watcher Vest] 6g 35s 29c Leather Chest
 [Emerald Enchanted Circlet] 6g 35s 29c Cloth Head
 [Emerald Enchanted Pants] 6g 35s 29c Cloth Legs
 [Emerald Enchanted Robes] 6g 35s 29c Cloth Chest
Revered  [Armor of the Emerald Slumber] 50 Emerald Chip Leather chest
 [Merithra's Inheritance] 50 Emerald Chip Cloth chest
 [Warden of the Dream] 6g 82s 94c Two-handed Mace
Exalted  [Nightmare Resonance Crystal] 75 Emerald Chip Trinket
 [Roar of the Dream] 75 Emerald Chip Ring
 [Roar of the Grove] 75 Emerald Chip Trinket
 [Roar of the Guardian] 75 Emerald Chip Trinket



This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

Due to their soldiers looking identical to Cenarion Hold Infantry and Reservists, the Emerald Wardens are most certainly an offshoot of the Cenarion Circle.

Patch changes

External links