Itharius (quest)

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Start Loganaar
End Itharius
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Swamp of Sorrows
Experience 4700
Reputation +150 Emerald Wardens
Rewards 75s
Previous N [50] An Amalagamation of Nightmares
Next N [50R] Going Under


Seek out Itharius somewhere in the Swamp of Sorrows.


Are you familiar with the Temple of Atal'Hakkar? It has a storied history that I will not retell here, but it is currently under the stewardship of a host of mighty green dragons. The chief guardian of the temple is a great dragon named Eranikus, and he is known to be particularly attuned to the dream. It is my hope that he may be able to aid us. Go to the Swamp of Sorrows and meet with the ranger there known as Itharius. He may know how to reach out to Eranikus to petition his aid.


You will receive:


Greetings, <race>.


You come seeking Eranikus? Your coming may be ill-timed, <class>. I fear something is amiss at the Temple of Atal'Hakkar. Come, let us speak further.


  1. N [50] An Amalagamation of Nightmares
  2. N [50] Itharius
  3. N [50R] Going Under
  4. N [50] Return to Moonglade
  5. N [50] A Fortuitous Turn of Events
  6. N [50] The Bad News...
  7. N [50R] Waking the Nightmare

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