Return to Moonglade

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NeutralReturn to Moonglade
Start Itharius
End Loganaar
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Moonglade
Experience 2,350
Reputation +150 Emerald Wardens
Rewards 35s
Previous N [50R] Going Under
Next N [50] A Fortuitous Turn of Events


Return to Loganaar in Moonglade.


Return to Loganaar and inform him of what we've learned. I'm going to try and scout the temple myself to hopefully make contact with the dragons, or at least glean more information.


You will receive:


<Loganaar sighs heavily>

More bad news. Very well, I thank you for risking your life to enter the temple to learn what you did, and for bringing word back to me. I must inform the other druids so that we may determine what to do next.

Thank you for now. I may call upon you again in the future.


  1. N [50] An Amalagamation of Nightmares
  2. N [50] Itharius
  3. N [50R] Going Under
  4. N [50] Return to Moonglade
  5. N [50] A Fortuitous Turn of Events
  6. N [50] The Bad News...
  7. N [50R] Waking the Nightmare

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