WANTED: Sister Lilias (Alliance)

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AllianceWANTED: Sister Lilias
Start Wanted Poster
End Lieutenant Course
Level 20-60
Type Group (3)
Category Drustvar
Experience 24,680
Reputation +250 Order of Embers
Rewards  [Small Azerite Shard] (115x [Azerite])
70g 20s
Previous A [20-60] An Improvised Arsenal
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [35-60G3] WANTED: Sister Lilias.


Sister Lilias
A nasty witch of the Heartsbane Coven who terrorizes Drustvar with her wicker beasts.

Collect Sister Lilias' head from Sister Lilias in Corlain.

  •  [Sister Lilias' Head]
  • Bring Sister Lilias' head to Lieutenant Course at Watchman's Rise.
  • Suggested players: 3


The Waycrest Guard seeks an able-bodied soldier to eliminate a threat in Corlain.

A witch by the name of Sister Lilias is wanted for the torture and killing of many of our townsfolk. Her end would prove a boon to all of Drustvar.

Present her head to claim your reward.


You will receive:




Ah, the witch is dead. Good.

Here's your reward, as promised. Keep up the good work, Inquisitor.


  1. A [20-60] The Road to Corlain
  2. A [20-60] The First Watch
  3. A [20-60] A Weather Eye
  4. A [20-60] A Steady Ballast & A [20-60] Precious Metals
  5. A [20-60] An Improvised Arsenal
  6. A [20-60] Witchrending
    1. A [20-60] Reeking Refuge
    2. A [20-60] Eating Through the Defenses & A [20-60] An Offensive Harvest
    3. A [20-60] Potent Protection
  7. A [20-60] Barrier Buster
  8. A [20-60] Break On Through

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