Reeking Refuge

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AllianceReeking Refuge
Start Inquisitor Mace
End Harris Hocking
Level 20-60
Category Drustvar
Experience 1,650
Reputation +75 Order of Embers
Rewards 2g 34s
Previous A [20-60] Witchrending
Next A [20-60] Eating Through the Defenses, A [20-60] An Offensive Harvest


Investigate what is disabling the coven's minions in Hocking's Plot.


Oh good, maybe you can make sense of this.

I was just carving through a swath of the coven's lackeys when I stumbled across this field. Something here has knocked these guys completely out of commission!

I can't seem to find the source, but maybe you'll have better luck. I'm more used to hitting things than investigating them.


You will receive:


You don't look like you're in league with the coven, so what are you doin' in Corlain?


Inquisitor Mace says: Hellooo? Anyone home?

On accept:

Inquisitor Mace says: I'll leave you to the mystery, then... while I see about cracking more coven skulls!

Just next to mace is the rare Gorged Boar.

Inside the farmhouse:

Harris Hocking says: Wait, how'd you get... hey, you're not one of them, are you?


  1. A [20-60] The Road to Corlain
  2. A [20-60] The First Watch
  3. A [20-60] A Weather Eye
  4. A [20-60] A Steady Ballast & A [20-60] Precious Metals
  5. A [20-60] An Improvised Arsenal
  6. A [20-60] Witchrending
    1. A [20-60] Reeking Refuge
    2. A [20-60] Eating Through the Defenses & A [20-60] An Offensive Harvest
    3. A [20-60] Potent Protection
  7. A [20-60] Barrier Buster
  8. A [20-60] Break On Through

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