WANTED: Sister Lilias (Horde)

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HordeWANTED: Sister Lilias
Start Wanted Poster
End Suzie Boltwrench
Level 35-60
Type Group (3)
Category Drustvar
Experience 24,680
Reputation +250 The Honorbound
Rewards  [Small Azerite Shard] (115x [Azerite])
70g 20s
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [20-60G3] WANTED: Sister Lilias.


Sister Lilias
A nasty witch of the Heartsbane Coven who terrorizes Drustvar with her wicker beasts.

Collect Sister Lilias' head from Sister Lilias in Corlain.


The Krazzlefrazz Peacekeepers are looking for an able-bodied warrior to eliminate a threat in nearby Corlain.

A witch by the name of Sister Lilias is wanted for the torture and killing of many of our people. Her end would prove a boon to the Horde.

Present her head to claim your just reward.


You will receive:


Hey, we got some witch problems. Mind taking care of it?


You got rid of that witch? Great! She was really cutting into our operation here.

Here's the bounty, paid out in full. Pleasure doin' business with ya.

Patch changes

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