Eating Through the Defenses

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AllianceEating Through the Defenses
Start Harris Hocking
End Harris Hocking
Level 20-60
Category Drustvar
Experience 17,850
Reputation +75 Order of Embers
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous A [20-60] Reeking Refuge
Next A [20-60] Potent Protection


Kill 8 Scavenging Boars in Hocking's Plot.


Not sure why and don't rightly care, but for some reason the coven can't come near my onion field. So long as my crop doesn't give out, I can hole up in here as long as it takes.

Unfortunately, those boars got the same idea and now they're eatin' up my harvest! If they keep that up, soon there'll be nothin' keepin' the coven at bay!

If you can do me a favor and thin them out, I'd be happy to let you take some of these onions with you.


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How's the boar situation?


That oughtta do it for a spell.

Thanks for the help, stranger.


  1. A [20-60] The Road to Corlain
  2. A [20-60] The First Watch
  3. A [20-60] A Weather Eye
  4. A [20-60] A Steady Ballast & A [20-60] Precious Metals
  5. A [20-60] An Improvised Arsenal
  6. A [20-60] Witchrending
    1. A [20-60] Reeking Refuge
    2. A [20-60] Eating Through the Defenses & A [20-60] An Offensive Harvest
    3. A [20-60] Potent Protection
  7. A [20-60] Barrier Buster
  8. A [20-60] Break On Through

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