Vulpera for a Day

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HordeVulpera for a Day
Level 10-50
Type Faction Assault World Quest
Category Vol'dun
Experience 26,800
Reputation +75 The Honorbound
+75 Voldunai



High Warlord Cromush says: The Alliance is already facing resistance here. Find the agitators and help them however you can.


You will receive:

You will also receive one of the following:


High Warlord Cromush says: Well done, soldier. You honor your ancestors with this victory.


Nisha can be found protecting a burning caravan near the southern end of the gulch. Upon speaking with her:

Look at this destruction, <name>!
The only thing these caravans were guilty of was accepting a good-paying job to transport supplies.
We vulpera have been free merchants and traders for countless generations. What makes the Alliance think they can bully us into refusing work from people they don't like?
They're no better than the sethrak... and you know how I deal with sethrak.
You in? I've got plenty of useful goodies here that you can use to fight like a vulpera!
Gossip Give me the supplies. I'll defend the vulpera!
Nisha says: This is one of Tacha's backpacks. She always keeps them packed with useful stuff!
Nisha says: I'll keep this area safe for fleeing vulpera. Get in that gulch and take down anything attacking my people!

This will equip you with the Vulpera for a Day buff, causing Caravan Guardians to sometimes appear and aid you.

Inv tabard vulpera.png Vulpera for a Day — Your attacks and spells have a chance to summon a vulpera to your side for 20 sec.

Talking to Nisha again will simply cause her to say:

They'll die like the sethrak... and anybody else who tries to oppress the vulpera!


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