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Image of Bonecrack
Gender Male
Race Forsaken
Class Rogue (formerly), Death Knight
Occupation Plague Doctor
Status Deceased
Relative(s) Lord Josho Thondroril (father), Silveria Thondroril (mother), Dæmonis (Uncle), Manadar Thondroril (grandfather),
"For the greater good, he said. For Lordaeron, he yelled. For his ideals, she died."
Bonecrack on his parents

Bonecrack (born 16 April 10 A.D.P - 13 November 30 A.D.P) was a Forsaken death knight, plague doctor, alchemist and assassin descended from the notable Thondroril family that owned land encompassing the river. Known to many undead and paladins as simply the Doc, Bonecrack was responsible for the mass murder of countless creatures indiscriminate of their politics and allegiance. Born to a human paladin father and a High Elven ranger mother ten years after the Dark Portal was opened and the Orcish Horde arrived on Azeroth, he was trained in the skills of his mother until his teenage years when the Scourge appeared in Lordaeron.

Encouraged by Bonecrack's magi uncle, Dæmonis, the Thondroril family joined the Scarlet Crusade in an effort to fight back the endless waves of undead unleashed by the Lich King and the Burning Legion. Whilst stationed at the family stronghold in Northern Lordaeron, then a Scarlet outpost, Bonecrack's mother was slain by death knights and he developed sincere contempt against his father that he carried throughout the rest of his life for dragging them into the Scarlet Crusade. At the age of twelve, the outpost was attacked by a Scourge army and the majority of crusaders turned undead, including Bonecrack and his uncle Dæmonis. In an explosion of rage, Bonecrack stabbed his father following the attack and left him for dead where he wandered the Plaguelands until he came across the newly-formed Forsaken and served under the Banshee Queen as a skilled assassin.

Carrying his hatred of his father and his despair for his state of life into undeath, he was later slain by the Scourge and resurrected as a death knight. Bonecrack became increasingly disillusioned and disconnected whilst working under Putress as a plague doctor developing the New Plague, with whom he later sided with following the schism in the Undercity. He managed to evade Horde and Alliance armies as they stormed the city, until being tracked down by deathguards which he slaughtered to avoid capture. With no trace of his involvement in the brief civil war left, Bonecrack returned to service under the Horde where his mind turned to insanity. Crazed by his father's continued existence and his seething hatred for life on Azeroth, Bonecrack's insanity encouraged his father, Josho, to order his assassination by the hand of his close friend, Kalear Rhöndell.

Bonecrack remains an infamous figure amongst Scarlet Crusader lore and a master alchemist amongst the Forsaken where his recipes and formulas are hunted by Horde and Alliance adventurers alike.

Early Years

Born Chronos Thondroril in 10 A.D.P in Lordaeron's Capital City, he was the son of Lordaeron noble and member of the Silver Hand Josho Thondroril, and his wife Silveria Greenrush, a high elven ranger of Quel'Thalas. At a young age he showed interest in concoctions and stealth warfare, frequently asking to accompany his mother and father on dangerous quests. Whilst his parents were off ensuring that the Orcish Horde was rounded up into internment camps following the Second War, the young Bonecrack was looked after by his father's godfather, Victor Greywald, a Gilnean ambassador, and his uncle, Dæmonis, he developed a bond with the latter that would later last until death.

At the age of twelve, the Scourge arrived in Lordaeron and his uncle was the first to join the forming Scarlet Crusade to protect the kingdom from the undead hordes. This prompted his parents to join as well, offering their family lands encompassing the part of the Thondroril River in Northern Lordaeron to the Scarlet Crusade to form it into an outpost. The young Chronos was trained in the arts of bow and arrow by his mother, and also being told by her that it was his responsibility to carry on the family bloodline that had carried through generation after generation all the way back to the Sundering when Dath'Remar led the Highborne to the Eastern Kingdoms. Bonecrack kept this in mind and would later use it as an excuse to attempt to 'create' a child through necromancy.

Some time during the events of Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, Silveria Thondroril was killed by a death knight whilst on patrol in the Plaguelands alongside her husband Josho. Chronos' close relationship with his mother led to a schism between him and his father, who he then blamed for her death by dragging them into the Scarlet Crusade (though ironically, it was Dæmonis who had first joined it). The three surviving members of the Thondroril family - (Manadar Thondroril, Bonecrack's father, had disappeared to Northrend some years prior, Victor Greywald was inside Gilneas when the wall was built) continued fighting the Scourge until eventually the outpost was attacked by a small army, killing most of the Scarlet Crusaders inside.

Chronos awakened from the attack to find himself turned undead, where he then attacked his paladin father, blaming him for everything bad that had gone wrong in his short life. He stabbed Josho several times in the abdomen before running off into the plagued forests, though Josho, a paladin, managed to survive through the Holy Light. Chronos adopted the name Bonecrack to cast off his former life, where he survived life in the Plaguelands for many weeks until he arrived at Tirisfal Glades where he joined the remains of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, the Forsaken, where he encountered his uncle Dæmonis, who had also turned undead. They shared various words over several nights until his uncle stated he was going to leave for Dalaran because he said the Forsaken were "insane" and had "abandoned what they were in order to become what they are".

As Undead

Whilst working to extend Forsaken influence to encompass all of Lordaeron, Bonecrack's knowledge of poisons and herbal concoctions, learnt from his mother, gained him several eyes from the Royal Apothecary Society who inducted him as a junior Apothecary, where his enthusiasm for poisons and alchemy reached new heights, where he secretly worked on the New Plague with many other Forsaken apothecaries. Though only a teenager at the time of undeath, much of Bonecrack's magically-infused formulas caused him to gain strength and size, citing "an assassin that is not very tall is not an assassin at all. Look at gnomes!"

As a Forsaken assassin.

Despite a seemingly successful career as both a contract killer and an alchemist, Bonecrack's mind continued to go over and over the events that led to both his mother's death and his own, where his sanity began to lapse. He plotted various scenarios that would lead to unsuccessful attempts to commit patricide, which only made Josho even more aware of his son's madness. Whilst heading to the ruins of the family stronghold in Northern Lordaeron to collect keepsakes to use in an ambush on his father, Bonecrack himself was ambushed by Scourge skeletons and was raised by the Lich King as a death knight. Training at Acherus, Bonecrack learnt how to harness the power of shadow and unholy magic which further corrupted his sanity. Following the breakaway faction of the Knights of the Ebon Blade led by Darion Mograine, Bonecrack was freed from the grip of the Lich King and returned to the Undercity, newly-empowered and determined to kill his father with his newfound might.

As his wizard uncle Dæmonis would later recall, during one of their visits he noticed that Bonecrack would repeatedly mumble to himself and his obsession with ending the life of his father was beginning to become a dangerous idea. However, the promise he made to his mother about carrying on the family bloodline had also come to the surface, where Bonecrack would begin mercilessly and indiscriminately slaying travelers, both Horde and Alliance. He was harvesting their body parts in order to create the grandchild his mother would have wanted, because undeath had rendered him unable to have children manually.

Final Years and Death

Infused by the blood of Thondroril, his creation was nearly ready for life. Bonecrack began stalking the ghostly Ferlinda Rhöndell, where he eventually made contact with her and led her to the laboratory where he was working on his construct, promising her to make her beautiful by the power of magic and alchemy. In reality, he was preparing to harvest her head for use on his abomination to complete it. Ferlinda managed to escape before he could put his plans in motion, however, which led to Dæmonis learning of the encounter where he alerted his brother Josho.

Josho's close friend was Kalear Rhöndell, brother of Ferlinda, whom Josho asked to kill Bonecrack after learning of his insanity, stating that the little boy he once knew was long gone and would not be found again. He asked Kalear to finish it, saying that he could not have that monster running around and killing any more innocent people. Kalear agreed, stating that his sister was at stake also, who forged a powerful weapon in order to slay Bonecrack successfully. The weapon, blessed by night elf druid Cendiel Murkshadow with the power of nature - a school of magic Bonecrack was vulnerable to - was taken with Kalear as he hunted down Bonecrack.

Some say he still haunts the Scarlet Enclave...

Bonecrack had headed to the Ruins of the Scarlet Enclave to hunt down surviving Scarlet Crusaders for more bodyparts following his unsuccessful attempt to use Ferlinda, alongside his ghoul minion Brainmuncher. Kalear successfully tracked him down to this location and slew him on the spot, though not before Bonecrack had begged for his life, where Kalear said he had seen "a small part of the boy he used to be; but only for a moment". His body was buried in a shallow grave which was later retrieved by his father sometime before the Shattering and buried in Stormwind City Cemetery.

It is unknown whether Bonecrack is permanently dead, but his soul is rumoured to haunt the Scarlet Enclave in search of vengeance against his killer and the one who ordered his death.