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AllianceJosho Thondroril
Image of Josho Thondroril
Gender Male
Race Human
Class Paladin
Occupation Law Enforcer, Argent Crusader, Noble
Status Alive
Relative(s) Manadar Thondroril (father), Victor Greywald (godfather) Silveria Thondroril (wife, deceased), Dæmonis (brother), Bonecrack (son, deceased),
"For Lordaeron!"
Josho's battlecry

Lord Josho Thondroril (born 10 B.D.P) was a Lordaeron-born human paladin, crusader and soldier of the Alliance. Born in Southshore roughly ten years prior to the opening of the Dark Portal and the First War, Josho was descended from a long line of noble Lordaeron humans and a mixture of high elven rangers from Quel'Thalas. Having fought on such fronts as Silithus, Blackrock Mountain and eventually Northrend, Josho is amongst the most battle-hardened soldiers in all of the Alliance.