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NeutralDæmonis Thondroril
Image of Dæmonis Thondroril
Gender Male
Race Undead
Class Mage
Occupation Archmage of the Kirin Tor
Status Alive
Relative(s) Lord Josho Thondroril (brother), Unknown High Elf mother, Victor Greywald (godfather) Manadar Thondroril (father) Bonecrack (Nephew),
"Unlock the secrets; tell me the truth."
Dæmonis Thondroril interrogating Kendras

Archmage Dæmonis Thondroril (born 13 B.D.P) was an Undead wizard, enchanter, notable tailor and scholar mostly known for his defection from the Horde to the Alliance through the city of Dalaran. Though he was welcome in Horde cities after he announced his disassociation with them, Dæmonis was found unwelcome as a 'zombie' by much of the Alliance and settled in Dalaran whilst occasionally visiting Silvermoon City. A master of the field of fire magic, Dæmonis is considered one of the leading expert pyromancers resident to Dalaran.

Born in Lordaeron's capital city, Dæmonis' parents discovered that at a young age he had an affinity for magic; possibly due to his mother's high elven roots to the Sunwell, and even further back, the Well of Eternity. His ability to summon the arcane proved invaluable during the Second War where he, alongside his warrior father Manadar successfully fought the Orcish Horde. It was later discovered that he had a specialisation in fire magic, which led him to the city-state of Dalaran in order to control the explosive trait. He was soon offered the position of Archmage by the Kirin Tor, but only a few years later the Third War started and Dæmonis joined the Scarlet Crusade where the rest of his family followed.

During the events of Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, Dæmonis learnt that the Burning Legion and the Undead Scourge could not be halted and made a pact with the dreadlords to spare his family from death in exchange for the strategic locations of many Scarlet Crusader outposts and fortresses throughout Lordaeron. The deal was accepted, though the demons turned both Dæmonis and his nephew Bonecrack into undead fiends following an attack on the Scarlet outpost they were in charge of. Post-death, Dæmonis refused to allow bitterness and rage consume him and rejected the Forsaken, trusting his emotions, attempted to defect to the Alliance but was rejected as an unholy creation. Dæmonis later developed friendship with a blood elf named Kendras, a relationship that was troubling due to Kendras' antagonistic manner in contrast to his own welcoming attitude.

Dæmonis maintains a relationship with his living brother Josho whilst continuing his research into arcane and fire magic in Dalaran.