User:Tigertot/Felfire Cult

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MobFelfire Cult
Main leader

Mob IconSmall Man'ari eredar Male.gif Lord Keliir (technical leader)

  • Mob IconSmall FelOrc2 Male.gif Kaggoresh Spiritsunder (primary leader)
  Formerly Mob IconSmall Orc Male.gif Galkorg Bloodtooth
Secondary leaders Mob IconSmall Wrathguard.gif Kiz-amal
Mob IconSmall Annihilan.gif Pit Commander Xalgoth
Mob IconSmall Ogre2 Male.gif Mor'goz
Mob IconSmall Nathrezim.gifIconSmall Feltotem Male.gif Zarmathkus

Mob IconSmall BloodElfDemonHunter Female.gif Zarendria Fireblade (deserted)
Mob IconSmall FelOrc2 Male.gif Zargun Saureye
Mob IconSmall Man'ari eredar Male.gif Osuun
Mob IconSmall Troll Male.gif Zol'kaz
Mob IconSmall Iskar.gif Talonpriest Zalrokkaz
Mob IconSmall Ethereal.gif Shadow-Lord Zaraam
Mob IconSmall Ogre2 Male.gif Trizag
Mob IconSmall FelOrc2 Male.gif Kurgan Saurfist

Mob IconSmall FelOrc2 Male.gif Ukozok Hellrage

AllianceHorde Races of former members from the Alliance and the Horde
IconSmall FelOrc2 Male.gifIconSmall FelOrc2 Female.gif Fel orc (predominantly)
Man'ari eredarMan'ari eredar Eredar
IconSmall Nathrezim.gifIconSmall Dreadlord.gifIconSmall FelDreadlord.gif Nathrezim
IconSmall PitLord.gif Annihilan
IconSmall Doomguard.gifIconSmall Fiend.gif Ered'ruin
IconSmall Mo'arg.gifIconSmall Mo'argBrute.gif Mo'arg

IconSmall Ogre2 Male.gif Ogre

IconSmall Iskar.gif Arakkoa
Satyr Satyr
IconSmall Nightborne Male.gifIconSmall Nightborne Female.gif Nightborne
VrykulVrykul Vrykul
IconSmall Feltotem Male.gifIconSmall Highmountain Female.gif Highmountain tauren
Character classes Warlock, Warrior
Base of operations Keliir'arsh

Dreadmist Peak, Northern Barrens
Dustwind Cave, Durotar
Throne of Kil'jaeden, Tanaan Jungle

Legion Hold, Shadowmoon Valley
A cave in Gorgrond
Theater of operations Azeroth and Argus
  Formerly Draenor
Language(s) Orcish and Eredun
Affiliation Burning Legion, Shadow Council
Status Active
"Fel power is what controls the universe. We must utilize it if we are to remake it the way it should be."
—Kaggoresh Spiritsunder

The Felfire Cult is a fanatical cult made up of Burning Legion loyalists. Ever since the cult's founding, it's goal has always been to serve the Burning Legion in any way they can, while focusing on pursuing and studying fel magic.



The cult was initially founded as a group dedicated to studying fel power by Galkorg Bloodtooth, one of Gul'dan's first students. He believed that fel power was a power that could be used to forge a new destiny for the orc people, and sought to teach others of it's power. As the cult grew in size, Galkorg began to send the cult on missions to recruit more members. Draenei, ogres, and even arakkoa joined the cult.

It was at this time that Lord Keliir, a man'ari eredar commander within the Burning Legion, contacted Galkorg. He told Galkorg that if he served him, he would have access to more sources of fel power, as well as a small demon army. Galkorg readily agreed, and used these demons to assist in the cult's missions.

March of Iron

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

Eventually, the Iron Horde came into existence after Gul'dan's capture. Galkorg told the cult that he would be infliltrating the ranks of the Iron Horde to rescue Gul'dan, and left the Council of Fel in charge. Among the councillors was Kaggoresh Spiritsunder, an ambitious Shadowmoon orc who sought nothing more than to fight for the Legion. He was a fearsome warlock, and one of Galkorg's favorite students.

When the Dark Portal was opened, Galkorg went through, and worked with a Horde warrior known as Engosh Axefury to fight the Iron Horde. He eventually helped free Gul'dan, and returned to the cult's base of operations within Gorgrond. The cult then began to assist in Shadow Council operations throughout Draenor.

An Offer of Fel

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

Around the same time as the siege of the Blackrock Foundry, Galkorg Bloodtooth began scavenging through the ruins of Gul'rok in search of a hidden cache of demon blood left behind by Gul'dan's forces. He intended to deliver the blood to Gul'dan for use in his offer to Grommash. While successful in sending the demon blood to the rest of the Shadow Council, Galkorg was captured by a joint Alliance-Horde team, and kept captive in Zangarra by the Kirin Tor.

Galkorg was later freed by the Felfire Cult after a costly attack on Zangarra.

Battle in Tanaan

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

The Felfire Cult eventually built up a base in Tanaan Jungle, underneath the Throne of Kil'jaeden. There, they worked to further their understanding of fel magic while the Alliance and Horde marched on Hellfire Citadel. Galkorg later led the defense at the Iron Front, before being confronted by the Alliance-Horde team he encountered in the past. The team managed to defeat his forces with the help of Iron Horde defectors, forcing him to retreat to the base.

The team eventually arrived in the cave, where they fought Galkorg and his forces. The result was the death of Galkorg Bloodtooth.

Annihilation and Rebirth

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

After the death of Galkorg, the cult was in chaos as the Council of Fel rushed to fill the void. In the midst of the chaos, Kaggoresh Spiritsunder took Galkorg's place, swearing to bring forth a new era of hope for the cult. Lord Keliir contacted Kaggoresh, telling him to move the cult's forces to Azeroth. Kaggoresh readily agreed, preparing to move the cult.

However, the Alliance and Horde eventually attacked the cult's base, slaughtering their members and leaving Kaggoresh as the sole survivor. He made his way to Azeroth on his own, swearing to bring forth a new era for the cult in Azeroth. He recruited new members into the cult from Azeroth's races, slowly rebuilding it. At some point, the cult obtained the Codex of the Illidari, a powerful object that could be used to control and subjugate demon hunters.

The Coming Invasion

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Kaggoresh began to ready his forces for the Burning Legion's invasion of Azeroth at one point, taking over Dreadmist Peak. However, they were pushed out of Kalimdor and forced to regroup in Suramar City, where they would set up a new base of operations and prepared to conduct different operations throughout the Broken Isles. Kaggoresh also managed to bring Mor'goz into the cult, who was the sole survivor of the cult's main timeline counterpart.


The Felfire Cult focused on corrupting the Thorignir in Stormheim, while also recruiting Felskorn vrykul.


Bloodtotem tauren and black dragon eggs were their targets in Highmountain.


The cult was focused on aiding the spread of the Nightmare, though they didn't have many forces in Val'sharah.
