User:Spenpiano/Titus Rivendare

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NeutralTitus Rivendare
Image of Titus Rivendare
Title <Baron
Member of the Four Horsemen
Master of Stratholme>
Gender Male
Race Human (Undead)
Level Elite
Class Death knight
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Knights of the Ebon Blade
Former affiliation(s) Scourge, Cult of the Damned
Occupation Member of the Four Horsemen
Former occupation(s) Leader of the Scourge in Stratholme
Status Active
Relative(s) Aurius Rivendare (son)



Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

During the Burning Legion's third invasion on Azeroth, Titus Rivendare, along with fellow horsemen Zeliek, Ella Blaumeux, and Korth'azz Highforge, were leading their forces in defending Stratholme from Balnazzar's forces that trying to make this ruined city as one of their base of operations under Gul'dan's orders. No longer under the power of the Lich King, Titus and Four Horsemen would be aided by the arrivial of the Deathlord and the Knights of the Ebon Blade. After confronting Balnazzar, who fled at the very end of the battle, Titus, Zeliek, Ella, and Korth'azz pledge their allegiance to the Deathlord and the Ebon Blade.

In hopes to find those that can train newly recruited Death knights to prepare for the war at the Broken Isles, Titus, Zeliek, Ella, and Korth'azz accompany Thassarian and the Deathlord to raise new Death Knights in service to the Ebon Blade. Arriving at Durotar, they oversee the rise of General Nazgrim and tell him that he is called to the battle. Next, they arrive at Elwynn Forest and prepare for the resurrection of Admiral James Taylor. Traveling to the Twilight Highlands, the group were successful in raising Warlord Zaela back without the Orcs of the Dragonmaw clan noticing. Entering the Deadmines, they fight off the demons that were fighting the Defias Brotherhood, who allied with the Uncrowned. Upon arriving at Edwin's grave, they manage to raise Edwin VanCleef.

The group then traveled to Ratchet where they approach the grave of Nuggle Coinbender, whose body was buried there since his death on Draenor. Arriving inside the city of Ironforge, Titus sends Korth'azz to help the Deathlord to raise Modimus Anvilmar. The mission was a success and the group rejoin to travel to Pandaria where they successfully raise Gu Cloudstrike, a member of the Shado-Pan. Later the group travel to the northeastern oart of the Southern Barrens where they raise Lorena Blackwood. Next, they go the Darkcloud Pinnacle within the Thousand Needles and raise Chieftain Grundig Darkcloud as one of their own.


Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.