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This article is a player character biography page for Scalesa of Sisters of Elune US created by SCARY WIZARD.

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.
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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
NeutralScalesa the Seeker
Image of Scalesa the Seeker
Gender Female
Race Half-elf
Class Mage, Expert
Affiliation(s) Horde
Location Roams
Status Alive
Relative(s) High elven father (fate unknown), human mother (fate unknown), foster mother (fate unknown), Silaquine Sunbow (step-mother), Incantagos ("son")
Alignment Chaotic neutral


Scalesa was born in northern Lordaeron and raised by an enigmatic woman in place of her real parents. When it was discovered that magic came to the young girl as easily as flight to a bird, the woman sent her charge to Dalaran to study among the magi there as soon as she came of age.

Her first couple of years there were spent cataloguing things and delivering messages, arms, and armour to the local barracks; while there were a great many magicians in the city, few were willing to teach her, and many more were otherwise engaged. In time she finally became apprenticed to a gnome, but her master vanished under mysterious circumstances shortly before her education was completed. Knowing enough to "get by", and tiring of spending all of her time in Dalaran, Scalesa sought to hone her abilities in the "real world", adventuring.

After the fall of Dalaran she traveled west to Kalimdor. She made her residence in Theramore Isle, where she made the acquaintance of a member of the order of the Silver Hand. Their friendship matured into love, but soon enough Scalesa's jealous nature showed itself and she drove her love away. Scalesa, too, departed, as around that same time Admiral Daelin Proudmoore fell in combat on the isle, and she knew all too well that half-elves made appropriate targets for frustrated elves and humans when great leaders were lost. Even though her searches for treasure in the ruins of her Highborne ancestors were largely fruitless, a wanderlust was nonetheless awakened in her, and in time she found herself assisting the Steamwheedle Cartel and other groups besides, whenever money was offered to her. For the most part, however, she remained in her new home at Steamwheedle Port, where she earned money teaching languages to resident and visitor alike and occasionally selling pieces of art she had found in her travels.

In time, Scalesa set sail from her home to Northrend aboard a merchant ship with adventurers of the Horde, hoping to renew her search for treasure in the various Titan ruins strewn about the frozen wasteland, as well as get back in touch with the inhabitants of the newly constructed Dalaran... While Scalesa failed to find anything she could really sell in the ruins, she did find several very good reasons to dislike the Scourge even more than she initially did, as well as a source of income in the herbs that dotted the wastes.

While exploring one of the many branches of Azjol-Nerub, Scalesa made the acquaintance of a rogue member of Malygos' flight masquerading as an elf, and while at first suspicious of her motives, decided that she meant well enough to be trusted. In time, Scalesa had taken all that she wanted from the Spider Kingdom, and tiring of fruitless searches, returned to her home in Steamwheedle Port. While attempting to pocket the treasures of Mazthoril during a trip to Everlook, she found an egg all but abandoned, and a dragon she could only assume to be its mother lying nearby. Curious, she took the egg for herself and presented it to her friend, who suggested she raise the young dragon that would inevitably hatch from it.

Within weeks, the egg hatched and a blue whelp emerged, named "Incantagos" by Scalesa, and raised by both she and her ally. The whelp proved to be more of a good influence on his foster mother than she is to him, although he seems to have inherited at least some of her dry wit and sharp tongue.

Scalesa decided to join the Horde after hearing a member of the Darkspear tribe make mention of an attempt at reclaiming the Echo Isles by Vol'jin and several others. While she was born a part of the Alliance, like many half-elves, she found better treatment in the company of the Horde, and her assistance in the reclamantion sealed her place. Despite her newfound place in the Horde, she received little to no work, and so spent much of the time between the reclamation of the Echo Isles and the Shattering, guarding caravans between the various Steamwheedle Cartel holdings.

When Azeroth was shattered, Scalesa found herself homeless and largely bereft of any source of income with which to buy a new home elsewhere, as the many artifacts she had looted from ancient tombs were washed away when Steamwheedle Port was submerged. She now wanders the reshaped lands, seeking adventure and a new place to settle. She generally favours the Horde, but still does her best to take only the jobs that will benefit her, or at least that do not conflict with her interests.


Because of the harassment and disappointments she endured when she was younger, Scalesa prefers to keep her distance from others and will spend anywhere from minutes to years "feeling somebody out" before she even begins to trust them. It it is all too easy to get on her "bad side" during this "grace period", although it has been noted that an easy way to redeem oneself for the less severe transgressions - at least superficially - is to shower her with compliments and gifts. However long one stays within her good graces will depend on a variety of things, such as the alignment of the stars and perhaps how much humidity is present in the air.

Scalesa tends to be moody and somewhat hostile around others if not given a good reason to act otherwise, although she will every so often wax friendly or even helpful. Regardless of her humour she can be blunt and petty, and will only show (consistent) compassion and respect to legitimate authority figures, or trusted friends and Knights of the Silver Hand. Death knights are only respected if under the banner of the Lich King -- those not are generally considered to be beneath her and called "Death Knaves"; Necromancers and warlocks are given similar distance, but more or less tolerated.


No images yet!


It has been stated that Scalesa is as strong as a human peasant, and has in fact beaten many such individuals in arm-wrestling matches; against orcish peons, she lost just as often as she would win.


I'm usually too lazy to change my RP flags on FlagRSP. sry guise. Please assume that when I'm fighting/doing acheivement runs, in an instance, or I state that I'm Out of Character (by making use of double brackets around my statements), I'm Out of Character.

Her complete profile is here: .