User talk:SCARYWIZARD/Scalesa

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If there's anything wrong with this page, let me know in my talk page or here so I can fix it. --Super Bhaal (talk) 05:03, October 30, 2009 (UTC)

It's not marked as fanfiction. You mention all sort of characters that don't exist. BobNamataki (talk) 00:34, November 20, 2009 (UTC)

Off I go, then! that I did that, could you tell me if I did it right? I suck eggs at this Wiki-formatting stuff. --Super Bhaal (talk) 01:06, November 20, 2009 (UTC)
It think it is good. Don't be so hard on yourself.--SWM2448 01:10, November 20, 2009 (UTC)
That's just how I am. You see, when I was really little I was the "fat kid" and got picked on for it. I really wanted friends, and tried to be nice to everybody, and would let people walk all over me and short-sell myself in the hopes that I'd make friends (because nobody likes it when somebody outshines them). Then when I turned thirteen, somebody sent me a Mr. T video with a message that taught me to stand up for myself, that helped a great deal (but not enough for me to roll a night elf with a mohawk when I started playing WoW, or a night elf period). While these days I'm much more attractive (an 8.5/10 by my standards) and confident, every so often I'll run into something difficult and start short-selling myself. Could I have a hug now? --Super Bhaal (talk) 01:26, November 20, 2009 (UTC)
You made me sad. If I were not in front of a computer, and was actually next to you, sure. How about: "Sandwichman gives you a hug." --SWM2448 01:29, November 20, 2009 (UTC)
That'll work! --Super Bhaal (talk) 01:45, November 20, 2009 (UTC)