User:Mig64/Borean Terror

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
Borean Terror
Location Plains of Nasam, Borean Tundra
Result Scourge victory at the cost of it's grip over the Plains of Nasam. Obliteration of Guénon's Forces.
  Guénon's Forces

Undead Scourge

  Netherwing Dragonflight
Commanders and leaders

Guénon's Forces


Undead Scourge


Netherwing Dragonflight

  • Horzinaku †
  • Yoza
Casualties and losses

Guénon's Forces

  • Extremely heavy

Undead Scourge

  • Extremely heavy

Netherwing Dragonflight

  • Medium


Guénon and other adventurers from the Horde received information that Kel'Thuzad was assembling a huge Scourge army at the Plains of Nasam, Borean Tundra. In order to prevent this army from being unleashed, the adventurers united themselves under the troll hunter's leadership, after hiring volunteers like the servants of the Forsaken-half of the Barov Family from the Eastern Kingdoms -they were in debt with Guénon- and some Timbermaw Furbolgs -Guénon has an excellent relationship with the Timbermaw, so they accepted his request-, a militia force was created, which Guénon personally called Guénon's Forces.

Meanwhile at Shattrath City, Horzinaku and Yoza were warned by A'dal that a "tusky friend of them" was in danger, the great naaru gave them the directions to Northrend and told them to rush to Azeroth if they truly wished to save the troll. The drake couple was worried, and willing to repay Guénon for his good deeds to them, thus they left Shattrath in godspeed.

The Conflict

After weeks of preparations in secret -Guénon and his partners didn't want neither Horde nor Alliance to be aware of the militia's existence- the Guénon's Forces launched their attack against the Scourge army at the Plains of Nasam. This conflict was a massacre, the entire army of undead was destroyed, but not before most of Guénon's Forces being almost decimated, having only Guénon, his pets, three Barov Family servants and one Timbermaw Shaman, named Kredo, as survivors. All the other adventurers were killed alongside most of the forces hired by the troll hunter.

Guénon was ashamed and enraged for what happened to his men, but he controlled himself, and with his remaining forces, he marched to face Kel'Thuzad, who stood in the center of the battlefield.

After telling his forces to stand back a while, Guénon proceeded alone until he was face to face with the Lich. Guénon told Kel'Thuzad that he was going to pay for what he had done, for all lives he had taken and that the spirits of the fallen would return to consume him.

Kel'Thuzad said that it was not his fault if a group of "foolish adventurers with nothing better to do" had showed up out of nowhere and started wreaking havoc in his forces. Guénon felt mocked, and his rage grew even more inside him.

After using [Disengage] to stay away from Kel'Thuzad, Guénon picked up his gun and told his allies to attack. Unfortunately, they accepted. Gorossauro used his [Dash] and ran with incredible speed in Kel'Thuzad's direction, dodging an incredible amount of [Frostbolt] attacks in the process, upon getting in melee range, Gorossauro leaped in the direction of the Lich's face to give it a [Savage Rend] headshot, but was repelled by a slap, sending the raptor against a pile of rocks, breaking most of his bones.

Gorescream used her powerful Charge (pet) against the Archlich's body with the Barovian servants on her back, Kel'Thuzad recovered in seconds from the stun effects of the charge, and used an improved [Frost Nova], freezing the Jormungar and the servants in blocks of ice, Kel'Thuzad used a [Blink] backwards and charged the biggest [Frostbolt] any being in Azeroth has ever seen, but his casting was interrupted by the intervention of Guénon and Kredo, the Shaman cut the lich's casting with a [Wind Shear], whereas Guénon silenced him with a [Silencing Shot], preventing the Archlich of casting any other spells for a small time, but that small time was enough for the Shaman to unfreeze Gorescream and the servants with a [Fire Nova].

Kel'Thuzad realized that he would have to unleash his ultimate skill, suddenly, a black circle emanating darkness covered the ground under the feet of Guénon, the Shaman, the servants, and Gorescream. The Shadow Fissure began to consume them, but Guénon dodged the area-of-effect attack with a [Disengage] and Gorescream used her Charge (pet) against the distant pile of rocks that imprisonated Gorossauro, breaking the raptor free. Gorossauro attempted to get up, but his broken bones wouldn't allow him, Gorossauro fainted. Dazed by the headbutt's impact and suffering from the wounds of the battle, Gorescream fainted right after Gorossauro did.

The Barovian servants were killed from the inside by the shadow energy that consumed their bodies, Kredo ran away from the dark area using his [Ghost Wolf] form, but Kel'Thuzad unleashed one of his chains at the furbolg shaman -still in wolf form-, piercing his chest and killing him instantly -also making him revert to humanoid form-. The Lich Chain threw the Kredo's corpse in front of the Archlich, Kel'Thuzad then exploded the furbolg's body with a [Corpse Explosion] attack. After laughing at Guénon for his disgrace, Kel'Thuzad dismissed the Shadow Fissure. Guénon was desperated, his forces were demised and he had to do something to save his dying pets' lives, but he didn't know how.

Suddenly, two [Arcane Missiles] hit Kel'Thuzad in the back, when he turned back, it was the Netherwing couple, Yoza and Horzinaku.

Now that Kel'Thuzad was distracted, Guénon concentrated a vast amount of his remaining energy into a powerful [Mend Pet] spell, with both pets now back on their feet, he told them to escape and rush to Warsong Hold. The renewed Gorossauro and Gorescream followed their owner's order much for their dismay, and feared about Guénon's survival.

With the air support coming from the Netherwing dragonflight, Guénon picked up his gun once again and started shooting Kel'Thuzad. The struggle between the heroes and the Archlich lasted for hours, it seemed that he would be defeated, but Kel'Thuzad had a strike of luck when he managed to shoot a [Frostbolt] right in the face of Horzinaku, disorienting him and making him fall from the sky. The lich then used his necromantic powers to ressurect the fallen members of Guénon's Forces as undead, and the new undead army started eating Horzinaku alive, the nether drake could do nothing but watch his death, the Frostbolt made him too much slow to escape.

Guénon attempted to bring a large number of undead down with a [Volley] attack, but their numbers were such that it proved to be futile. He quickly started pondering about all the lives he ended that day, and how incompetent he was...

Horzinaku, before being fully eaten by the Scourge, told Yoza that her life was now bound to Guénon, and that she had to escape from that cursed place and bring Guénon with her, he said that he felt Guénon would one day bring the end of the master of Naxxramas, and that Yoza should protect him until that day came.

At first, the female drake didn't obey her mate, and tried to save him by shooting fireballs and arcane blasts against the Scourge eating him while dodging Kel'Thuzad's offensives, her efforts were futile, there were too many undead over the mighty nether drake's body. Seeing that Yoza wouldn't listen to him, he decided to put a faster end to his life by channeling the remaining energy inside him and unleashing an overpowered [Arcane Explosion], pulverizing him and the Scourge army. Unfortunately, Kel'Thuzad survived the explosion for Horzinaku self-destructed only after losing most of his body, thus making the blast only strong enough to weaken the Archlich.

With her mate now gone for good, Yoza came to her senses and vowed revenge against Kel'Thuzad, she flew to Guénon and the troll hopped on her back and both flew high into sky, but when they were going to escape, Kel'Thuzad managed to hit both with a huge [Cone of Cold], freezing them and bringing them back to the ground, after the ice broke from the collision with the ground, the lich shot several Frostbolts at the duo, mortally wounding them.

Kel'Thuzad didn't have enough strength to finish the duo off, his mana was completely burned by the Arcane Explosion and his body was severely injured because of the attack. Kel'Thuzad teleported to Naxxramas, to recover from the damage done to him by Horzinaku's suicide...


Upon arriving at Warsong Hold, Gorossauro and Gorescream surprisingly managed to convince some orcish guards of the Horde base to follow them to the Plains of Nasam, there, the group found a fainted Guénon and a goblin-disguised Yoza watching over him while trying to recover from her own wounds. After speaking about what happened, they all returned to Warsong Hold, Guénon being carried by the two guards while the disguised Yoza rode on Gorossauro's back. Guénon and Yoza were put in improvised beds near the innkeeper.

Hours later, Guénon woke up and quickly got up, scared by the fact that he was no longer at the Plains of Nasam, Gorossauro calmed him down and put him back to bed, and Yoza -still in goblin form- came to him and told everything that happened since the troll's faint. Guénon was perplexed, his silent lasted so long that Yoza thought the troll lost his voice, but he broke his silence asking where Gorescream was, Yoza said Gorescream's wounds were beyond healing and that his [Mend Pet] only delayed her death, the jormungar succumbed to the damage shortly before Guénon woke up.

Without saying a word, Guénon got up, picked up his gear and, through gestures, ordered Gorossauro to follow him, the troll and the raptor quietly left Warsong Hold, wandering around Borean Tundra.

Five hours later, Yoza -this time in dragon form- found them resting at the proximities of Lake Kum'uya. The worried nether drake took her goblin form and approached the duo, lying down between Guénon and Gorossauro. She asked the jungle troll what happened to make him leave Warsong Hold without saying a word.

Guénon sat down and looked at Yoza with eyes of great sadness, the jungle troll broke his long silence by telling her that he couldn't forgive himself for what he just did, in that day he ended many lives only to achieve a delay of a defeat for the Scourge instead of a victory against it. Yoza replied, saying that crying for mistakes of the past, no matter how recent such past is, won't help him and her have their vengeance against the Archlich.

The jungle troll slowly nodded, his eyes' sadness being consumed by fury and determination, Guénon rose, woke Gorossauro up with a beastial roar and said that they were going to hunt Kel'Thuzad to the ends of Azeroth if it was needed, the recently awaken raptor nodded and let out what seemed to be a warcry. Yoza got up -since she was in goblin form, that didn't make much difference- and hold Guénon by his right hand and Gorossauro by one of his claws, saying that she would join the duo.

Suddenly, the spirit of the last Timbermaw Shaman appeared before them. Kredo, the ghost furbolg shaman, said that Guénon was a terrible leader and brought all the people he hired to doom, the troll sadly agreed, still feeling guilty for what he had done. But the spirit proceeded, he said that Guénon was seeking redemption for his inconsequent actions and that he would be a great leader one day, and for that, Kredo decided to join the troll's group.

Guénon accepted, for his links with the spirits and elements were strong and would provide a great addition. Guénon decided that he would make another "Guénon's Forces" and that this militia would succeed where the original one failed. Thus, the rise of the Goroscream Forces began.

On the same day, Kel'Thuzad returned from Naxxramas to the Plains of Nasam, fully recovered from his battle with Guénon's Forces, and started a hasty raising process to recover the lost manpower in the conflict against Guénon's Forces, this proved effective, as almost half of the lost forces were recovered in amazing three days, but in his hurry, he left his newfound army off-guard during all this time.

The lich's hastiness had a heavy cost, the Horde attacked the Plains of Nasam using siege tanks driven by adventurers, the Scourge had previously destroyed such siege tanks, but the adventurers rebuilt them all while the undead were distracted and launched their offensive. Being caught off-guard and without the same manpower of before, the Scourge at the Plains of Nasam was quickly destroyed, and Kel'Thuzad had to abandon the spot once and for all.

If not for the previous effort that ended in tragedy by Guénon's Forces, the Scourge would have managed to repel the siege tanks once again and maintain their power over the Plains of Nasam, and Kel'Thuzad would continue to coordinate the nerubian attacks against Warsong Hold.